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By Muller, Muller, Richmond Harms, P.C. What kinds of things do you need to agree on with a collections professional? You want to make sure you have written contracts with your collections professionals.
| By Muller, Muller, Richmond Harms, P.C. What's the best way to get ahold of a debtor? What's appropriate to say to a debtor when trying to collect? The following tricks of the trade can greatly enhance the collection phone call, making it more productive in less time than you thought.
| By Ross, Stuart & Dawson, Inc. Are you a new business owner? Is your business prepared for potential payment disputes? For many entrepreneurs, starting a business is an exhilarating journey.
| By Muller, Muller, Richmond Harms, P.C. Are you struggling to get a debtor to pay? Do you know how to build a list of their assets? When your debtor isn't paying, you need to pursue his assets to collect your judgment.
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