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| By Rosann Santos Rosann Santos and FranklinCovey collaborate through the Two-Minute Mentor platform to deliver quick, actionable tips for everyday life that lead to long-term career success.
| | By RosannSantos.com FranklinCovey Facilitator Rosann Santos utilizes the Two-Minute Mentor platform as a means to offer tips for creating an efficient workplace for career success.
| | By Rosann Santos FranklinCovey Facilitator Rosann Santos has worked with the organization to create a series of videos geared toward providing career advice for the workplace.
| | By Titan Pressure Washing A leading Florida pressure washing company demonstrated how tile roofs on commercial buildings are properly cleaned using low-psi.
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| By Rosann Santos Rosann Santos and FranklinCovey collaborate through the Two-Minute Mentor platform to deliver quick, actionable tips for everyday life that lead to long-term career success.
| | By RosannSantos.com FranklinCovey Facilitator Rosann Santos utilizes the Two-Minute Mentor platform as a means to offer tips for creating an efficient workplace for career success.
| | By Rosann Santos FranklinCovey Facilitator Rosann Santos has worked with the organization to create a series of videos geared toward providing career advice for the workplace.
| | By Titan Pressure Washing A leading Florida pressure washing company demonstrated how tile roofs on commercial buildings are properly cleaned using low-psi.
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