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Follow on Google News | Chinese Drywall Abatement, Treatment, and Testing ??? Who Do You Trust ??? Who can you trust ???Chinese drywall abatement, treatment, and testing companies have been the biggest and latest booming industry and scam ... Who should the consumer trust and why ???
By: Michael S. Foreman Consumers and Lenders main concerns, centered mostly around the purchasers ability to make monthly payments, before the housing BUBBLE BURST. Now, many lenders and consumers face not only the lower or declining value of their property, but also the cost associated with fixing or correcting the Tainted and Corrosive Drywall issue. Consumers have been summarily thrown to the wolves and left to fend for themselves, with little or no specific guidance and / or help from the EPA, CPSC, Federal and State Health Departments, Homeowners Insurance, Builders, Developers, Installers, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Lenders, and others. Victimized Consumers who turned to the US Court System for justice, are finding out rapidly, the recent judgments issued by the Courts are worthless or hollow victories until perfected or collected, and they are starting to further understand, it maybe years or even decades, based on appeals, legal issues and maneuvers, before any money or relief actually appears, if at all. Now ... WHO ... should the Consumer trust to avoid being victimized again ??? Think about it ??? All the government agencies have provided are "interim guidelines" concerning the ABATEMENT, TREATMENT, TESTING AND POST TREATMENT TESTING PROCESS. Guidelines that on the surface, sound or look complete, but actually raise more questions than answers, when reviewed, initiated, and actually looked at closely. Just take the first issue ... Abatement ... Abatement sounds good ... What needs to be abated ??? Who determines what needs to be abated ??? How do you perform the abatement ??? Who is qualified to perform the abatement ??? Who is qualified to determine the level of abatement ??? How do you confirm the abatement was successful ??? Who guarantees abatement ??? What licensees are required for the abatement ??? Who pays for the abatement ??? I think you are starting to understand the problems and questions I'm discussing, that Consumers need answers or specific guidance on, prior to starting or signing a corrective abatement and treatment process contract or paying for anything. Consumers need to do their homework and understand, ONE SIZE FITS ALL, corrective repairs, corrective protocols, and numerous other abatement and treatment options, will not COST EFFECTIVELY solve your specific Tainted and Corrosive Drywall issue. With all the government research and money spent to-date (MILLIONS), not one person, agency, or institution can answer this one (1) simple question ... What specifically is causing the drywall or gypsum board, out-gassing vapors ??? My firm has been asking this question, every-time someone or somebody starts talking about their knowledge level, expertise, educational background, or who and why my clients should trust what they recommend, promote, sell, or endorse. Consumers need to know, there are no college degrees, classes, or certifications for Tainted and Corrosive Drywall ... diagnosis, abatement, or treatment ... approved or certified by ASTM, any accredited government agency, or any accredited, licensed, educational institution. PERIOD !!! Anybody or Group, promoting "Defective Drywall" certifications or classes has no credibility ... simply stated ... the mere fact they are using the term "DEFECTIVE" confirms their lack of knowledge and expertise ... ASTM C 1396/ C 1396M is the International Standard for manufacturing drywall or gypsum boards ... Materials and Manufacture ... Section 4.1 states ... "GYPSUM BOARD SHALL CONSIST OF A NONCOMBUSTIBLE CORE, ESSENTIALLY GYPSUM, SURFACED WITH PAPER BONDED TO THE CORE." Clearly the Chinese drywall or Tainted and Corrosive drywall or gypsum board meets this standard, "ESSENTIALLY GYPSUM" and continues to-date to still meet this standard ... all drywall, sheet-rock, or gypsum board is composed of or with "ESSENTIALLY GYPSUM". Clearly this is why the CPSC has NOT issued a NATION WIDE RE-CALL on the DEFECTIVE product. Again, simply stated, the product is not ... DEFECTIVE ... Yes ... Tainted and Corrosive ... but ... NOT DEFECTIVE. Now, time to educated or informed the consumer about another MYTH concerning Tainted and Corrosive drywall ... STRONTIUM LEVELS ... or STRONTIUM as a marker for diagnosing structures with CDW or TCD ... CPSC Report confirms XRF technology detects numerous components and minerals in objects and specific levels with-in items, but fails to validate and confirm ... STRONTIUM or SPECIFIC STRONTIUM LEVEL... as a 100% accurate means and testing method to determine INFECTED or NON-INFECTED status of a structure. XRF technology is a wonderful tool, does and can measure levels of minerals and components accurately, when used correctly ... but ... just because it can measure a mineral or component level, STRONTIUM and others ... that have NOT been 100% confirmed as ... MARKERS ... to diagnose CDW or TCD ... does not make it a magic tool or final means and method to confirm and validate CDW or TCD is present in structures. Save yourself a lot of time and effort ... Read ... Health New Digest article by Michael Shaw or Shaw' ... June 30th article ... that factually explains the CPSC Report information. Basically ... STRONTIUM levels are SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER in some NON OUT-GASSING boards tested than boards that have VERY HIGH OUT-GASSING LEVELS. Shaw's details referenced in his article are directly from the actual CPSC Report. For more information and facts before making an abatement or treatment decision, please feel free to call or e-mail my office. Foreman and Associates, Inc. is a FULL SERVICE, Forensic Construction Consulting Firm, involved with Tainted and Corrosive drywall since August 2008, Consumer Advocates for over ten (10) years, not associated with any specific law firm, and fully independent. Our views and statements, are factual, confirmed and validated. We welcome corrective facts, as and when they may come to light and have been validated and confirmed as accurate and truthful. August 8th, 2010 Michael S. Foreman Foreman and Associates, Inc. "Forensic Construction Consultants" Sarasota, Florida 34239 941-955-8111 # # # Foreman and Associates, a FULL SERVICE, forensic construction consulting firm, providing project specific PROTOCOLS and SERVICES tailored to COST EFFECTIVELY identify, correct, minimize or eliminate our clients problems or issues. End