E*HealthLine - Eprescrib©, Improving Patient Safety, While Increasing Efficiency

Eprescrib©, A Revolutionary Prescription writer System Designed As a Stand Alone Electronic Solution or an Integrated with Personal Health Records and Electronic Medical Records System.
Nov. 20, 2007 - PRLog -- E*HealthLine - Eprescrib©, Improving Patient Safety, While Increasing Efficiency

Eprescrib©, A Revolutionary Prescription writer System Designed As a Stand Alone Electronic Solution or an Integrated with Personal Health Records and Electronic Medical Records System.  

** For Immediate Release**

Sacramento, California November 20, 2007 -- E*Healthline.com, Inc. Announced today Eprescrib©, a comprehensive electronic solution providing physicians with vital point-of-care and access for the transmission of prescriptions electronically to a patients pharmacy of choice.  This innovative technology immediately identifies any of the patients duplicate medications, allergies and drug interactions with their existing Medications. While each legible prescription is electronically captured, the system decreases prescription errors caused by any illegible readings of a physician’s handwriting, and automates the process of checking for drug interactions and allergies, leading to improved patient safety and increased efficiency.  The System also checks for insurance status to ensure that the selected drug is covered by the patient’s health plan.   E*HealthLine’s “Eprescrib©” offers Integrated technology, combining the company’s “Vital©” Personal Health Record System and “Phoenix©”, an Integrated Practice Management System and Electronic Medical Record System,  These  Internet based affordable solutions will also be offered as an Application Server Provider (ASP) or licensed model, with an outreach to the healthcare arena,  both domestically and internationally

This revolutionary system application will provide improved patient safety and a comprehensive clinical system containing meaningful Electronic Medical Record functionalities. “Healthcare providers require the essential connectivity of integrated technology in making informed decisions concerning  day-to-day healthcare management for their patients, while eliminating needless errors for the overall improvement in the quality of care”, said Georgette Smart, E*HealthLine, Chief Executive Officer
Eprescrib© Enterprise ASP model is E*HealthLine’s latest contribution to the patient’s safety within the challenged healthcare Communities. Eprescrib© and Vital©’s integrated Personal Health Records are in full compliance with HIPAA’s Security Core Principles, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all protected electronic health information.  The System creates, receives, maintains, and transmits information; while protecting against any anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of such information.  

About E*HealthLine

The E*HealthLine Enterprise web based solutions represents “state of the art” electronic clinical, financial and administrative information management tools, delivering “real-time” information, while optimizing workflow, and accelerating decision-making during vital diagnosis.  The System’s unique functionalities facilitate an overall improvement for patient care. The company’s business model is comprised of ten (10) main HIPAA complaint Integrated Healthcare Information Management Systems.  These comprehensive Healthcare Management Systems are offered as an Application Server Provider (ASP) or licensed model.  Each System can be utilized independently or as a fully integrated network.  E*HealthLine’s Systems applications include; VITAL©  - Personal Health Records, Eprescrib©- Integrated Prescription Writer and Electronic Medical Records. Phoenix©- Integrated Practice Management System, Eternity© -Integrated Health Plan System, Hope© - Disaster Information Management System, Enrollment System, Preventive© - Preventive Care System, ISIS© - Hospital Information System, EDIMS© - Emergency Department Information Management System, Sphinx© - Financial Management System and OTIMS© -Operating Theatre System

The Company's business units provide unique solutions that inform, connect and transform E*HealthLine’s award-winning software applications.  

To learn more, visit E*Healthline on the Web at http://www.ehealthline.com/

E*Healthline.com, Inc.

Mary Johnson
VP Public Relations

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The company’s has ten (10) main Integrated web based  HIPAA complaint solutions,  VITAL©  - Personal Health Records, Eprescrib©- Integrated Prescription Writer and Electronic Medical Records. Phoenix©- Integrated Practice  System, Eternity© -Integrated Health Plan System, Hope© - Disaster Management System, Enrollment System, Preventive© - Preventive Care System, ISIS© - Hospital System, EDIMS© - Emergency Department  System, Sphinx© - Financial  System and OTIMS© -Operating Theatre System

Website: www.ehealthline.com/
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