Barb Davis White for Congress 2008 Campaign Update and New Website

Barb Davis White is running for Congress in Minnesota's Fifth Congressional District. We ask everyone to contribute $10.00 and your email address. $10 dollars today keeps the DFL away!
By: D. Allen, Media/Communications Dir.
Barb Davis White
Barb Davis White
Aug. 3, 2008 - PRLog -- Minneapolis, MN…This week in “Barb-history” - Barb Davis White for Congress Campaign, “Direction for Difference” launched a new Blog and website this week.  “We have an outlet for everyone to join us on this journey to bring back government to the People”, says Barb Davis White. “The current democratic leadership in Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District has wasted too much time watching people lose their dreams, family and futures” says Barb.

Barb Davis White is running for U.S. Congress against Keith Ellison ( D ) in Minnesota’s Fifth District.

On Monday, July 28, 2008…Barb Davis White visited the offices of United States Congressman Jim Ramstad from Minnesota’s Third Congressional District.  The meeting went well and Congressman Ramstad’s comment to Barb was, “Go get em!”  Barb Davis White is building momentum within Minnesota’s Republican Party as well as the mainstream community that the GOP sometimes ignores due to the income, race and community.  Barb Davis White has been endorsed by the local GOP but still needs to gain more support within the party and other Republican candidates in Minnesota.

On Thursday, July 31, 2008…A message from a Mother of a soldier…Our son, Eric, is stationed in Korea. One of his duties is to make sure the soldiers in his camp vote in this November’s election. Too often in the past, soldier’s ballots have not been counted for a variety of reasons. This website has been designed to facilitate soldier’s access to the information so they can get ballots to vote this November.

Please visit the Barb Davis White for Congress 2008 website and Blog at

Support Barbs’ campaign by gong to and clicking on “contribute”.  We want 100,000 people to contribute $10.00 and their email address.

Join us on Friday, August 15, 2008 from 6-10pm at Babalu’s Restaurant located at 800 Washington Avenue North in downtown Minneapolis for a special fundraising event for Barb Davis White for Congress.

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IBNN is a Minneapolis based news and information blog focusing on politics, business, money, education with devivery for all ethnic media from the IBNN mainstream.
Source:D. Allen, Media/Communications Dir.
Email:Contact Author
Tags:Congress, Politics, Minnesota, Blog, Website, People, 5th District
Industry:Politics, People, Minnesota
Location:Minneapolis - Minnesota - United States
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