A United States Soldier attempts Guinness World Record - 125 hours of continuous drumkit playing.

Starting April 28th at 10 a.m. EST, Specialist Troy Yokum will begin playing the drums and aside from very limited breaks, he does not plan to stop until May 3rd at 3 p.m. , about 5 days in honor of Louisville Slugger’s 125th Anniversary.
By: The Kelly SHU - Kick Drum Microphone Shock Mounts
April 27, 2009 - PRLog -- In order to beat the record he will have to play for over 120 hours in a row with only taking a 5 minute break every hour which can be banked for later use. He must also play to recognizable songs, without repeating within 4 hours and only 30 seconds of pause time in between. Over 200 Songs from many styles from the 50's to today will be played.

Specialist Troy Yocum was born in Louisville, Kentucky on June 25th, 1979 and has been drumming for the last 11 years. He is currently deployed in Iraq and Kuwait with the 100th battalion/442 Infantry off the pacific coast islands.

In 2007 Troy was presented with a challenge by the event coordinator of KCRF, Ali Omar to help raise funds for cancer research. All plans were in order to play for the Thunder over Louisville fireworks show kicking off the Derby season when he received orders from the military to report for duty. After that he was sure that he would not make the attempt for at least 15 months. When arriving in Kuwait a performance on stage quickly helped change the outcome. Now he has been planning the event with the help of his commander and the USO.

Troy’s Record-Breaking home page is www.drummarathon.com. Live video will be streamed via a link from the homepage using www.Ustream.tv.  Video will be fed live as best as possible given the remoteness of the location.

Specialist Yokum’s local newspaper, The Courier-Journal of Louisville, Kentucky picked up the story which provides an in-depth look into the record attempt including interviews and detailed plans plus official rules for the event, which can be found at website address...

http://www.courier-journal.com/article/20090421/SCENE04/9... .

J. Kelly of Kelly Concepts, LLC said," When Troy contacted me, I didn't think twice about getting involved. You have to hand it to these guys, they're away from their families, day after day and if you can help one soldier, you've actually helped them all. I have not a doubt that he'll be successful."   Kelly Concepts, LLC, located in Lincoln, Nebraska USA manufactures The Kelly SHU - a microphone shock-mount for kick drums which Troy will be using as part of his record-breaking drumkit setup.

Sponsors of the event include:

Louisville Slugger   http://www.slugger.com
The Kelly SHU   http://www.kellyshu.com
Audix Microphones   http://www.audixusa.com
Sabian Cymabals  - http://www.sabian.com/en/
Pro-Mark Drumsticks  - http://www.promark.com/
db Drumshoes  - http://www.drumshoes.com
Bionic  - http://www.bionicgloves.com/
Mom’s Music - http://www.momsmusic.com/

Troy started off learning percussion playing with street musicians at local art and music festivals, taking several road trips to play bucket drums at Mardi Gras, Hooka Fest, All Good Fest, Bonnaroo Fest and New York City subway stations, and further molding his talent with lessons from teachers at Mom's Music and Flying Hands of Kentucky. He has been playing many shows and venues ever since to raise money for charities such as Kentucky Cancer Research Foundation (KCRF) and Kosair Charities for kids. Troy has also drummed for up and coming artists spanning many different genres: Two Headed Giant A.K.A. Unibomb (disco/dance), Nmesh (electro/trance), Daniel Brown (rock opera), Manifesto (hiphop/rap), The North (emo/rock), Bloomstreet (funk/jam band), Trench (punk/groove rock), Patrick Bratton (r&b/neo-soul), and Wax Melodic (funk/r&b).

Sadly, Ali Omar passed away in February. Without Ali, the idea of the drum marathon would have not come about. So Troy will be dedicating the attempt in his honor. He was a great man who helped many people with Cancer. "He will be missed!!! " -- Specialist Troy Yokum.

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Kelly Concepts, LLC located in Lincoln, Nebraska manufactures the world's only suspended kick drum microphone shock mount system. Made and assembled in the USA, The Kelly SHU installs in minutes, works with any size or depth of bass drum and will accommodate any standard kick drum microphone. NO DRILLING REQUIRED!
Source:The Kelly SHU - Kick Drum Microphone Shock Mounts
Email:***@kellyshu.com Email Verified
Tags:Guinness Records, Drumkit Record, Troy Yokum, Microphone Shock Mount, Bass Drum Microphone, Kelly Shu
Industry:Entertainment, Music, Lifestyle
Location:Lincoln - Nebraska - United States
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