June 26, 2009 -
PRLog -- Already more than 15 years we produce products from leather materials. From painting sandals for wholesale, up to now also produce leather bags for wholesale, the bags that is on our mainstay is, leather bags with casual style, classical batik bags, straw bags with a unique style, to present bags with the modern design, no need to doubt the quality of material, we bring in from leather tannery factory with best quality, we provide various kinds of leather as the material basis of making the bags, such as a goat leather, sheep leather, cow leather and snake leather, or if you want the skin synthesis, we also provide. All of our products on the website are for wholesale buyers. To make you know our type of bags, we show the leather bag with this unique style, this style is a new product in category of leather bags, you can even specify the color as needed, or choose from several colors that are often requested by our customer, such as tan, dark brown, apple green, royal blue or army green. For more information about this unique leather bags, you can visit our website www.sasorizacraft.com or if you want to know the wholesale price for this bag product or the other bags, you can contact our official email info@sasorizacraft.com
http://www.sasorizacraft.com/leather-bags.htm# # #
Supplier of wholesale Bali leather sandals, leather bags, painting fashion sandals, Bali shoes, women's bags and ladies flower brooch in any kind of styles.