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Follow on Google News | Controversial new book about "Being The Other Woman" in a married man's life releasedPetra Falk, dubbed "A woman every wife will despise" by "The Daily Mail" has been weathering the storm created by the article by talking candidly about her book and her own experiences which led to it being written on various radio shows worldwide.
By: Petra Falk http://www.petra- petra@petra- July 2009 - London Controversial new book tackles the difficult subject of adultery from the mistress's point of view "Being The Other Woman" (The complete handbook for every woman in love with a married man) now available in the USA on Petra Falk, dubbed "A woman every wife will despise" by The Daily Mail in the UK has been weathering the storm created by the article by talking candidly about her book and her her own experiences which led to it being written on various radio shows in Europe and as far away as New Zealand. Determined to change public perception of "The Other Woman" in a married man's life Falk stands firmly behind the premise of her book: Almost half of all married men, and slightly fewer married women, admit to having had at least one affair. Amongst those in long term relationships the percentage of those who admit to having strayed at least once is even higher. As this tends not to be something that is too cheerfully admitted to Petra Falk suspects that the real figure may scare the most hardened realist. "I have often heard an "Other Woman" say "But I don't know anyone else who has done this, no-one in my family has, and none of my friends have either." says Petra Falk. "Well, they are very much mistaken. Chances are they know plenty of people who have had, and quite a few who are having, an affair. It's just not something people tell everyone around them." If the statistics are even remotely accurate one can look at any group of people, anywhere (with the possible exception of a monastery), and roughly half of them will have had an affair at some stage in the lives. Scary, isn't it? And, at the same time, somewhat reassuring, because however alone The Other Woman may feel at times within her situation, she is, in fact, not alone at all. She is one of many. Many more than society as a whole wishes to accept. There are books about "how to be" just about everything under the sun, but for the woman who more or less unexpectedly finds herself in the situation where she has assumed a role that is rarely spoken about in polite company, there is little help except "Don't do it." Now this is not particularly helpful when one is in emotional turmoil because things have gone past the point where "Don't go there, it will end in tears, most likely yours" is of any help at all. And because there wasn't a book available which helped women through this kind of relationship, which is totally unlike any other they have ever experienced, Petra Falk decided to write it. Petra Falk explains: "This book is not intended to entice nice girls to don a short skirt, slap on the mascara and go on the hunt for a defenseless married man to drag kicking and screaming back to her lair. It is absolutely not intended to be a "how to become a mistress" book either. Instead it was written to help those who are already finding themselves in this situation to survive while doing the least harm to everyone involved, including themselves." "Being The Other Woman" The complete handbook for every woman in love with a married man Paperback: 238 pages Publisher: CreateSpace Language: English ISBN-10: 1442123362 ISBN-13: 978-1442123366 Available from Amazon Petra Falk is available for interviews and can be contacted via her website http://www.petra- # # # Petra Falk, Author of "Being The Other Woman" - The complete handbook for every woman in love with a married man" End
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