Alkaline Health Benefits - Benefits of following the Alkaline Diet

There are many benefits to following a diet high in alkalizing foods. One of them being that one gets more of the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs in its natural form which means that it gets absorbed better.
By: Ph Miracle Diet
Aug. 17, 2009 - PRLog -- There are many benefits to following a diet high in alkalizing foods. One of them being that one gets more of the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs in its natural form which means that it gets absorbed better.

A diet high in alkalizing foods also means that one has more energy to tackle the daily stresses and less dis-ease in many respects. On the Alkaline Diet you might just find that some of the things that have ailed you disappears overnight. Symptoms  like acid reflux, indigestion, IBS, allergies, hay fever, gout, arthritis, athletes foot, constipation and more can disappear literally overnight on this diet.

Too get the best benefits out of alkaline health, there are things that you can do to get more alkaline into your body, and certain things that you should avoid.

Things you should really avoid if you want to get the most benefit out of the Alkaline diet is:

   * Sodas – cold drinks like Coke and other sodas are really acidifying
   * Microwaved foods – the microwave changes the chemical structure of any food  you cook in it
   * Red meat – substitute red meat for fish or turkey and eat less often

Things you should do to get more benefit out of the Alkaline Diet:

   * Have the juice of a lemon or lime each day, one tablespoon full at a time in a glass of water
   * Drink more water – at least 8 glasses a day
   * Eat more green leafy vegetables – raw, cooked or steam fried
   * Add more spices to your food e.g. cinnamon, curry, ginger, garlic, caynne pepper – all of these are excellent for your health

However, a word of caution: like  with verything else, one must not go overboard. Some people new to the Alkaline Diet immediately start overdoing the alkalizing side of the diet. One needs to keep in mind that you have to stick to the 80/20 percent factor whereby you consume 80% alkalizing foods to 20% acidifying foods – and unless you are battling a disease, it is OK to stray off the diet once in a while. I often go out for drinks with my friends, and I have the odd hamburger now and again.

Having too much of the one and too  little of the other can lead towards disease, because if your body is too acidic you can become sick and if your body is too alkaline you can also become sick. So it is important to consume foods from both sides of the acid alkaline chart!

For more information on the benefits of an alkaline diet, please visit:

# # # is an authority site on the benefits of the Alkaline Diet. Please visit our site for more information on how you can benefit from the Alkaline Diet:
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