Can the Alkaline Diet Relieve Prevent Osteoporosis

To prevent osteoporosis one needs to take in daily generous helpings of calcium and for many years, cows milk has been promoted by doctors and dieticians as the first step in getting enough calcium to prevent bone diseases and osteoporosis.
By: Ph Miracle Diet
July 29, 2009 - PRLog -- To prevent osteoporosis one needs to take in daily generous helpings of calcium and for many years, cows milk has been promoted by doctors and dieticians, milk farms and cows milk distributors as the first step in getting enough calcium to prevent bone diseases and osteoporosis. Mothers have not been thinking twice about feeding their children cows milk because they have been told that it is good for them.

Why cows milk is not good for children

Children have growing bones that need lots of calcium to grow big and strong, but cows milk is not the answer. Cows milk has been found to leave an acidic ash in the body. The body’s answer to fighting excessive acid in the body is to leach calcium from the bones into the blood to restore the pH balance. So in effect, by giving children milk to drink you are defeating the whole object of giving them enough calcium for healthy teeth and bones as the calcium that they do get in the milk, are being used to fight the acidity that the milk causes instead of being utilised for bone growth.

The same thing happens in older people who drink a lot of cows milk. Instead of staving off osteoporosis, you could unknowingly be pr0moting osteoporosis in your own bones instead of combatting it!

The answer to getting enough calcium into your diet:

There are many other substitutes for milk that have much higher quantities of calcium in it than cows milk. Some of these substitutes include soy milk, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, eggplant, kale, parsley, peas, pumpkin, turnip, dandelion and asparagus.

Another greate source of calcium is blackstrap molasses which contains more calcium than many other foods.

So instead of promoting bone disease by using cows milk which was always only meant for calves anyway, switch to a healthy source of calcium and win the war against teeth and bone diseases, and especially osteoporosis.

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