Tea Party Nation Announces The One Year Notice Rally: Give Your Politician Their Pink Slip!

Tea Party Nation President Judson Phillips announced today that a November 7th, 2009 rally called "One Year Notice- Give Your Politician Their Pink Slip" will take place at Legislative Plaza, Nashville, TN. This coincides with the time left remaining
Oct. 2, 2009 - PRLog -- Tea Party Nation Rally Kicks Off Incumbent Warning Campaign

Leaders plan "One Year Notice" campaign and rally

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:       October 2, 2009

CONTACT:  Judson Phillips (615) 293-6750  judson@teapartynation.com

Tea Party Nation President Judson Phillips announced today that  a November 7th, 2009 rally called "One Year Notice- Give Your Politician Their Pink Slip" will take place at Legislative Plaza, Nashville, TN.  This coincides with the time left remaining before the 2010 elections.
The rally is the kick off event for a coordinated nationwide campaign to warn unresponsive political figures that the people plan on ending their support for those incumbents who have failed to do their primary duty- represent the people.

Tea Party Nation, The Midsouth Tea Party (Memphis) and American Patriot Taxpayers (East Tennessee) will co sponsor the kick off event. Patriots from across Tennessee are going to rally at Legislative Plaza in Nashville to give our politicians their notice that one year from now, if they continue to ignore the will of the people, they are fired!

Judson states "One of the reasons the emotion of the Tea Party movement has been so intense is because of the frustration of the American People. Our politicians do not listen to us. As of November 7, the elections will be only one year away and we are telling them, listen to the people or we are going to throw you out of office. Too often, we Americans live in fear of our elected officials. It’s time for them to fear us."

While this event is originating in Nashville, One Year Notice rallies will be held throughout the country. "Pink slips" will be available at the rally for participants to fill out. We will be shipping them to Congress the following week.

The Nashville rally will run from 11am-2pm.

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Tea Party Nation is a user-driven group of like-minded people who desire our God given Individual Freedoms written out by the Founding Fathers. We believe in Limited Government, Free Speech, the 2nd Amendment, our Military, Secure Borders & our Country!
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Tags:Tea Party Nation, Tea Party, Rally, Congress, One Year Notice
Location:Nashville - Tennessee - United States
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