Feb. 16, 2010 -
PRLog -- We are all approaching the end of a cycle of time. The Patriarchy’s profit-before-
people system is breaking down. Something new is rising: a wave of Divine Feminine energy that is bringing balance. Rene’ explores, powerfully through her fictionalized treatment, how we deal with the breakdown of the Patriarchy by unplugging our energy from it, making room for something new to be born. Affirming that the spiritual essence of women is-and always has been—power. As women resume their relationship with heart and power, men need to reclaim the energy of the heart in order to support women while they do their sacred work. Rene’ appears on Full Power Living (www.emotionalpro.com)
on March 18 to explore these powerful concepts in the real world.
Lucia Rene’ (www.unplugfromthepatriarchy.com)
is currently working to monitor the evolution of Mother Herat and collaborate with groups of women to facilitate the One Herat/One Mind—a delicate network of rarefied energies that connects, synchronizes and uplifts world consciousness. Formerly a professional actress, computer science consultant , teacher of self-discovery and now, a writer, Rene’ served a 17-year apprenticeship to an enlightened master of American Buddhism, psychic development and mysticism. Ordained as a Buddhist monk, Rene’ used her mystical training to collaborate with other female mystics to identify the hidden energy structures underlying our economic-social-
political systems. She has offered herself in service to facilitate the dismantling of the structures themselves and their vice-grip on the global collective consciousness.
Full Power Living, created and hosted by Ilene Dillon, M.S.W. and aired since 2004, is the only show on international media dedicated to "awakening the world to the power and importance of human emotions." Past guests include Drs. Jean Shinoda Bolen, Bruce Lipton, Harville Hendrix and Candace Pert, Best-selling author Brian Tracy, funnyman Bruce Cameron and Sports Illustrated's Austin Murphy.
Listen to Internet radio's Full Power Living (www.emotionalpro.com)
, at 9 a.m. PST Thursday, March 18, 2010, when Lucia Rene’ (www.unplugfromthepatriarchy.com)
appears with host Ilene Dillon, MSW, to investigate going beyond the Patriarchy to emphasise feminine power, service and love. Listeners are invited to chat on the site during the broadcast and/or call, toll free (800-630-7858)
during the live broadcast.
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We’ve been on-air since 2004, committed to helping people everywhere to experience, understand and master the human navigational system–their emotions.