Piercing needles VS piercing gun

There are mainly two methods used for the piercing – piercing guns and piercing needles. Each has is pros and cons listed in this article. Read and study it can be a great help for you.
By: vivian
May 12, 2010 - PRLog -- Piercings are very popular among people of all ages and it is common for one to get at least one body piercing. There are mainly two methods used for the piercing – piercing guns and piercing needles. Which is better for you? Below lists the pros and cons of using piercing needles and piercing guns, Read and study it can be a great help for you.

Pros of using Piercing Needles
1.   Piercing needles are one use only, so you don't have risk of someone else's bodily fluids on your needle.
2.   Professionals who are using piercing needles must have a much longer than one month course to study proper piercing techiniques, infection control, and healing practices. They will also learn how the body reacts to new piercings and how to avoid hitting nerves (which will reduce the pain the customer feels when getting a new piercing). They also learn proper sterilization technique.
3.   There is less pain when piercing needles are used. The needle is hollow and extremely sharp so that it slices through the skin, which pushes the tissues aside to make room for the jewelry. Even though it sounds rough, it's a really quick process.
4.   Piercing needles are made of high grade stainless steel or titanium, which gives the best chance at not developing a reaction or infection during piercing and healing.
Cons of using piercing needles
1.   Can be an inconvenience to go out of your way to find a reputable tattoo shop that offers piercings.
2.   Can be more expensive than going to the mall. Plus you have to add a tip into the price that the piercer is going to charge for the piercing.

Pros of using Piercing Guns
1.   It's convenient to get your ears pierced while at the mall shopping.
2.   It's sometimes cheaper to get a piercing at the mall or at a booth versus a qualified piercer.
Cons of using piercing guns
1.   Piercing guns cannot be properly sterilized. They come into contact with bodily fluid and a simple swipe of an alcohol swab in-between uses is not enough to sterilize the instrument. Some claim that the instrument never comes into contact with the skin, but the piercer's hands do and they're touching the potentially contaminated gun and are further contaminating it with your blood. When the blunt stud is forced through your skin, there's no way knowing whether or not particles of blood have been dispersed into the air.
2.   Mall employees and booth workers generally undergo a whopping two week course on how to use a piercing gun. That's not a lot of time to teach proper techniques about infection control or healing techniques.
3.   There can be major tissue trauma when a piercing is performed with a gun. The piercing guns hold blunt studs, and when these studs are forced through the tissues, it literally rips the tissue in order to make room for the jewelry.
4.   The gun pinches the back of the jewelry into place snug, which doesn't allow any room for the piercing to breath and heal properly.
5.   Piercing guns are loud, which can scare younger children more than anything. If the child jumps, the stud can easily get stuck half-way through the tissue, which means it must be removed. The gun will have to be relocked and the stud shot back through the tissue, causing more tenderness, bleeding, and risk of complications.
6.   The piercing gun is inaccurate, so if the employee doesn't have it just right, the stud can go through at an awkward angle or in at a bad placement, which may cause your body to reject the jewelry.

So you can refer to this list to consider which one is better. And whichever methods you choose, the most important thing falls on the quality of the piercing needles and guns. Getbetterlife.com supplies high quality and fair priced piercing needles and body piercing kits.

High quality piercing kit and needles:

Source: http://www.getbetterlife.com

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