Fitness Through Physical Therapy- A Potent Fat Loss Weapon

Fat loss diets and workouts schemes come and go, but fitness training from a medical practitioner’s point of view has become an extremely effective way of achieving fat loss while conditioning joints or rehabilitating the body.
June 24, 2010 - PRLog -- The World Wide Web- Seasoned fitness trainer and Doctor of Physical Therapy Kareem Samhouri has found the perfect fat loss solution for the overweight masses who are finding it difficult to squeeze-in effective fat loss workouts into their hectic schedules. Kareem (‘Dr. K’ as affectionately called by his clients) discovered how potent metabolic resistance training can be for fat loss during his several years of work as a physical therapist. “Metabolic training helps people lose fat while rehabilitating joints at the same time.”

MRT (metabolic resistance training) is a branch of physical therapy which balances muscular strength and conditions the joints through medically designed movements. These metabolism-boosting workouts have been optimized for rapid calorie-burn by engaging all our energy pathways. Initially, it was developed to help people with injuries and medical conditions to stay in shape and speed-up their recovery. Given the fact that metabolic workouts can help patients achieve fast fat-loss through short but effective daily sessions, its discovery as an ideal fat loss method for overweight and busy people was only a matter of time.

According to Dr. K, “When you have a medically-supervised program designed by a movement expert, what happens is there's a lot more variety, more dynamic exercises.” That means metabolic training workouts are fun while being challenging at the same time. This makes it an extremely-effective fat loss exercise method that people can easily incorporate into their lives.

Dr. Kareem Samhouri is the owner of Global Fitness LLC, a physical therapy and personal training company. He has helped thousands of people learn how to exercise properly all over the world. Dr. K is also the founder of, and he is available for interviews, or to discuss other stories related to fitness, networking, and business growth. He can be reached at (215) 891 9500 or by email at:

For even more information related to Metabolic Training and other free fitness advice, please visit:


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At Global Fitness LLC our focus is to provide the gold-standard in physical therapy and fitness, using state-of-the-art equipment, cutting-edge technology, and the most current research to support everything that we do.

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