Protecting Your Vehicle Paint Job

If your car or truck's exterior paint job is peeling, undercarriage corroded, bumpers banged, the value of your vehicle is diminished—along with your pride of ownership. A how-to article on auto body and paint maintenance and upkeep.
By: Dave Picton, G&R Body & Paint
Oct. 29, 2010 - PRLog -- Your car or truck may run like a dream and look clean as a whistle under the hood. But if your paint is peeling, your undercarriage corroded, your bumpers banged up, the value of your vehicle is diminished—to say nothing of your pride of ownership.

Whether you just drove a new vehicle off the dealer lot or you recently invested in a high-quality refinish job, the steps you take to protect your vehicle’s finish can go a long way to extend the life and the value of your ride.

•  Wash: Your vehicle’s exterior finish bears the brunt of the elements. Wind blasts your paint with abrasive sand and gravel; salt air and dampness create rust and corrosion. According to the Car Care Council, some one-third of vehicle owners use dish soap, household cleaners and scratchy cleansing pads and brushes that can strip away wax and may damage your vehicle’s finish. The best way to keep your vehicle finish smooth and shining is to wash it frequently, in a shaded area, using soap and a mitt or soft brush specifically made for washing cars.

•  Rinse: Remove the spray nozzle from your hose and rinse frequently. Don’t allow soap to dry or remain on your vehicle finish.

•  Dry: Don’t just let it drip! Dry surfaces thoroughly after washing, using a chamois or soft, lint-free cloth. Drying your vehicle protects from water spots and rust.

•  Wax: Wax exterior surfaces monthly, or at least several times a year. A good quality paste car wax creates a protective surface that repels water and dirt, making it easier to keep your vehicle clean and shiny. Apply wax to a small section of the vehicle, rubbing wax on with a soft cloth and circular motion. Allow wax to dry, then buff until no visible paste remains. Do not leave wax on too long before buffing, or the result can be dried white paste that is tough to remove—thus don’t apply wax to too large an area at a time!

•  Shelter: Park in a garage or carport if you have one. If you must leave your car uncovered under our hot California sun, try to park in shaded areas whenever possible. Like wind, rain and sea salt, sun will bake and fade your paint job. If you must park outdoors, consider purchasing a car cover.

•  Repair: The steel used to make cars and truck is one of the strongest substances on earth, but a dent or scratch can still leave it vulnerable to rust and corrosion. Cover chips with touch-up paint as soon as possible. Clear nail polish applied to a chip or scratch can provide temporary protection, or you can find do-it-yourself scratch repair kits at your local car wash or big-box discount store. Or better yet, take your vehicle to a qualified auto body and paint shop for professional color matching and a factory-quality finish.

•  Undercarriage: Don’t forget to keep wheel wells and undercarriage clean and free of debris, especially if you travel in snowy areas where salt and abrasive materials such as sand or cinders may be used for road maintenance. Cars from states with cold winter climates are notorious for rusting out after a few years. Consider having your vehicle professionally undercoated. Look for rubberized spray-on protectants for wheel wells.

•  Protect: Consider rust-proofing your car and protecting your paint job with a professionally applied sealant. Most manufacturers provide a five-year warranty against rust perforation. But don’t wait until year six to think about a sealant; prevention is key, and you might be too late. A 1999 Minneapolis Star Tribune article recommends having a sealant applied to a new car if you plan to keep it longer than five years, or to a used car that is more than three years old.

Many of our customers at our Sacramento body shop pamper their cars; that’s one of the reasons they come to us for quality repairs and service. But caring for your vehicle properly not only keeps it looking great and you feeling proud; it’s an expenditure of time, labor and sometimes a little cash that will protect one of your largest investments—your vehicle—in the long-run.

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G&R Body & Paint ( is an independent, family-owned auto body repair business established in 1969 that maintains the highest standards of craftsmanship, with quality monitoring and certification by VeriFacts Automotive.
Source:Dave Picton, G&R Body & Paint
Tags:Sacramento Body Shop, Auto Body Care, Vehicle Paint, Vehicle Maintenance, Car Care, Truck Care, Car Wash, Car Wax
Industry:Automotive, Consumer, Lifestyle
Location:Sacramento - California - United States
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