Great Trust Press Statement On The 62nd Anniversary Of The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights

Great trust press statement on the 62nd anniversary of the universal declaration of human rights and the urgent need to proscribe the existing black and white supremacist racial heirarchy construct
Dec. 15, 2010 - PRLog -- On the 62nd Anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Friday 13th December 2010, the GREAT Trust observes a Day of Silence, Prayer and Remembrance in honour of all victims of racial prejudice and bigotry from around the world. We emphasize that racial diversity is a natural phenomenon, outside of the choice of humans and must be respected by all reasonable human beings. GREAT proposes for the replacement of the enforced supremacist ‘black and white’ racial reference construct and other existing chorus of incompetent race equality models by a suite of creative and innovative 21st Century paradigms to eradicate entrenched racial prejudice, as an indicator and barometer for measuring the progress and state of human civilization. GREAT draws world attention to the painful fact that Adolf Hitler utilised a hyped up misleading supremacy of the Aryan race, to launch his cruel Jewish Holocaust and the Second World War. Similarly, the ‘black and white’ supremacist racial reference framework since its enforcement unleashed the African Holocaust, which is ongoing, and for which the fundamental human rights of far too many victims have been eroded and many have paid the ultimate price for far too long.

The world is a more peacefully-coexisting place in a racism-free reality. The new insight into racism and bigotry is that racial discrimination of varying forms is a double-edged sword in its own right, where both perpetrator and target of abuse are victims from different perspectives. The perpetrator is in an obvious position of power and choice of what to do with it, but nonetheless in captivity of ignorance; while the target of abuse suffers from a relatively powerless position, of minimum choice and at the receiving end of unwarranted assault, victimisation and persecution. Within this context, the eradication of racism emancipates both perpetrator and victim from a vicious cycle of ignorance and wanton abuse of human rights through racial discrimination, and not the least, the imposed mindless ‘black and white’ supremacist construct.

Significantly the GREAT Trust calls on the UN Secretary General, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Global Leadership, the African Union, the European Union, the Organisation of American States and Global Forces For Good to join us in condemning the imposed false ‘black and white’ supremacist hierarchical construct of human racial categorisation, upon which a superstructure of international political, economic, intellectual, social, cultural, industrial and techno-scientific disorder is predicated.

GREAT notes that the existing ‘black and white’ racist supremacist hierarchical framework is founded on the Euro-Caucasian superiority complex, mindset, ideology and worldview that misleadingly imposes and enforces a fallacy of ‘black and white’ race, thereby forming a distorted and contorted view of the reality of ONE HUMAN RACE.

GREAT points out that the oppressive ‘black and white’ racial divide is an imperialist instrument that was enforced to justify imperialism, colonialism, cartel slave trade, the Jewish pogrom, the African Holocaust including apartheid, to sew, foment and stir up ethnic hatred which has among others resulted in ethnic cleansing in parts of the world.

We hold that this supremacist ‘black and white’ construct primarily contradicts the spirit and letter of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and have inflicted incalculable damage to countless victims across the world and advocate for it to be abolished forthwith. Noticeably, the bankrupt construct combines Ethnic-based references with Continental-based references in a confused mixed grill of brutish weaponry e.g. Black, White, Asian etc. Further, there is a lacking of uniformity in the racial categorisation framework even amongst and within the world’s major countries and institutions. The existing framework is an embodiment of an extremely confused medley of contradictory messages and connotations and easily manipulatable by known and hidden forces for evil who operate under different official guises and extremist hate groups.

In its urgently needed replacement to stem the tide of further victimisation and continued unleash of adverse attacks on fundamental human rights, GREAT proposes a consistent primary continental-based categorisation of people such as African, European, Asian, American, Australian etc, prefixed where appropriate for specific particularisms such as Latin American, African American, African Caribbean, African British, Pakistani Asian, Indian Asian etc. Within this context, a categorical rejection of the acutely moribund ‘black and white’ dichotomy construct is imperative.

GREAT reluctantly points out that Adolph Hitler utilised illusionary superiority of an Aryan race to execute the Jewish Holocaust. As callous as this despicable crime was, Global Leadership upholds an oppressive hierarchical racist construct that is inherently condescending, demeaning and offensive to Africans; forcibly inflicting a complex of inferiority on one hand, and falsely infusing a complex of inferiority on the other i.e. ‘black and white’.

At the international level, the racist supremacist ‘black and white’ afrophobic and anti-African construct is conspicuously manifest in the deliberate and well-orchestrated exclusion from the UN Security Council Permanent Membership of Africa. As a response, persons of African ancestry [Diaspora Africans], faced with ominous and malicious forces of Caucasian supremacism, characterised by systemic murders, homicides, lynching, beheadings, hangings, incarcerations etc, organised in self-protection, tactically armed with ‘blackness’ to counter official ‘whiteness’ as part of a strategy for battle to assert and protect their fundamental human rights; and rightly so. Black is thus a political terminology to express the incomparable cruel, inhuman, discriminatory institutional and procedural experiences by Global Africans and the African Continent as integral to the African Holocaust. An experiential description is not the same as racial reference framework, categorisation of ethnicity or indeed skin pigmentation.

However, enforced ‘black and white’ categorisation of the human race is a false premise, a misleading proposition that does not stand up to any ethically scientific scrutiny.
GREAT Trust advocates the truism that ALL HUMAN BEINGS ARE COLOURED OF DIFFERENT SHADES, baring ‘black and white’.

At the end of the first decade of the 21st Century in December 2010, GREAT calls for the UN Secretary General, Global Leadership to take a stand, muster courage and shake off the old redundant pre-21st Century remnants of institutional discrimination – dump and replace the baseless, cruel and unsustainable, unsubstantiated ‘black and white’ construct, liberate themselves from the mental servitude of bigotry, empower themselves and the world with a new ethical consciousness and embrace a fit-for-purpose human reference framework. For those who know, labels, names and nomenclature do impact on the psychology, spiritual responses and reflexes of human beings.

Throughout history, Significant Global Forces For Good have rallied to the call for race equality, human rights and justice and we are confident this is one such moment, to make the 21st Century noted for great human liberation strides that qualitatively enhances human civilisation for the benefit of the majority of world citizens – a worthy legacy to bequeath future generations.

Signed: Koku Adomdza FRSA, DPMSA, MIHM
           10th December 2010, Geneva, Switzerland

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The Council for Afrika International is an independent, victims-led, non-supremacist think and doing tank that works for the eradication of afrophobia and anti-africanism i.e. discrimination all forms of injustice directed at persons of African ancestry.
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Tags:Great Trust, Black And White Bigotry, Eliminate Racism, Lateral New Models
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