Training Strategy - How to Develop a Training Curriculum

Janine Sergay's latest Smart Talk article on training examines how to create the framework, and implement a training curriculum for your organization. The article is richly detailed with flow-charts and graphics for visual perspective and insight.
Feb. 16, 2011 - PRLog -- The topics covered include a step-by-step guide on how to establish program outcomes, to identify competencies, how to break these competencies down into distinguishable levels, and how to integrate the plan with your existing initiatives.

If your organization or business is currently in the position where introducing a new skill set is required, or a broader behavior shift presents itself, or orientating selected individuals into a new hierarchical level with new responsibilities is needed, then you would find the need to develop a training curriculum essential to your development program.

These programs, because of the time, effort, and cost involved, need to be planned with extreme care so as to ensure the intended results are achieved. There are definite steps to take that can ensure a positive outcome with a large scale development initiative, and this article will help you navigate through the issues.

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The Sergay Group is a consulting firm that specializes in organizational development, organizational development training, leadership and employee development training and more.
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