Aerial Photography & Mast Photography - Photos that look Different

Aerial Photography & Mast Photography with an elevated pole camera has always been an expensive service - Aerial Images from Sports, Journalism, Architecture, Inspection, Marketing of property plus many more applications can now be taken DIY!
By: Scott
June 23, 2011 - PRLog -- Aerial Photography & Pole Photography - Photos that Look Different!

There are many reasons to get your camera elevated. Photographers often take time in finding a decent point to take a photo. Because it is not that easy or cost effective – we forget that UP in the air a few feet is best! The kind of height we are talking about is not plane/helicopter or 25 metre pole aerial photography. We have all witnessed and probably purchased incredible photographs from high altitudes using either sophisticated mast photography equipment or even extremely high photographs from Helium Balloons. Helicopters, planes, and balloons are, currently. the only way to obtain this style image. Either way, the kind of Arial Photography we are talking about has always been taken by professionals, using professional Arial or Pole Photography equipment.

We are talking about the 10- 30ft sort of UP! Placing your Camera in the elevated position will allow you to look over crowds or other obstructions, present landmarks or architecture and property in a fuller way – but also peer down onto sporting or other events to obtain a never seen before angle. Pole Photography or Arial photography of this nature is perfect for journalists or Estate agents too. With digital cameras, automatic focusing, and delay timers or remote triggers, taking these pictures has even become easy and inexpensive. In fact, the real desire is the ability to remotely trigger the camera, any camera and not have to use an expensive camera with a built in infra red or wired trigger system.

What are some of the benefits of this low-altitude aerial pole photography?

Sports Photography - Allows you to take photos from points of view that are interesting and that you would never ever see!

Event Photography or Journalism - From a normal eye level situation, the photographer struggles with the crowd and its obscuration of the event or incident. From just a few feet up, the band, wedding, or incident becomes the sole focus and also provides a different and interesting aspect which is all within a larger point of view. In Journalism – the best image pays well!

Surveying and Inspection – For years various methods of platforms and ladders have been used to enable closer inspection of objects at height. With the recent onset of Health and Safety and a genuine focus on staff welfare this method is not always a safe or authorised way to inspect – meaning expensive lifting machines or using binoculars to inspect from the ground. The solution, use your very own Digital camera elevated on a telescopic mast or pole to inspect and review the images on the day. All of your Arial Photography images will be recorded for further investigation and submission or forwarding to a client  if required. With today’s modern and quality images provided by relatively inexpensive digital cameras, an image can be taken using the pole or mast photography and digitally enhanced for closer inspection later on, perfect for report writing or submitting supplementary evidence.

Just a few of the areas of use:
-   Gutter Inspections
-   Roof Inspections
-   Structural Inspections
-   Tree or Canopy Inspections
-   Conservation Inspections
-   Bridge Inspection
-   Promotional Images
-   Property Marketing
-   Sports Events
-   Journalism
-   Accident Investigation
-   Land Disputes / Surveying

Architecture and Houses – By using Low Altitude Arial Photography Equipment, it is extremely easy to show a large building or home in its surroundings.

A straight-on shot from the ground may mean that the garage door is the most major feature. But, taken from up high, the whole building is shown and the garage becomes only a small part. From a buyers perspective, a viewing the building and its surrounding land or features instantly in a brochure or newspaper could make the difference between a viewing or not!

Now you can take your own Elevated or Aerial Photographs - with a simple adapter to use on your own Painters or decorators telescopic pole or with a complete systems to include a telescopic pole upto 8 metres & a remote trigger device to fit any camera - all for less than 3 hours of hiring an the services from an Aerial Photographer and his specialist equipment.

For more information and a full range of systems visit

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Inspection Cameras for every application - a complete range of portable pole cameras for elevated photography or aerial photography.
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