Encinitas Boys and Girls Club of San Diegutio get "Startdusted" with Art

Encinitas, CA., The students of the Boys and Girls Club of San Dieguito begin their three month voyage with The Stardust Arts, a unique art education program taught by instructor/founder Cheryl Ehlers.
Student at Encinitas BGC
Student at Encinitas BGC
Sept. 18, 2011 - PRLog -- Thanks to a grant awarded to The Stardust Arts/Dr. Wilderness Show Inc. made possible in part by the City of Encinitas and the Mizel Family Foundation Community Grant Program youth in the city will share in a wonderful experience in visual art.

Though not always recognized, art education is a fundamental building block of a child’s development. Since Plato’s time, arts have been a standard component of the common curriculum. Through art, a culture defines and molds itself; and with the growth of the graphic design industry, art education plays an increasingly relevant role.
The idea that artistic ability can’t be taught is erroneous. Art can be taught; and studies show that people who begin art education at a young age go on to perform better in school. Art is more than just fun; it teaches spatial and visual development, which increases one’s ability to reason and comprehend.

The program is one of only a few actual visual art instruction programs in the city that services the underserved and in need children in the Encinitas community.

Club House Manager, Chris Ann Sarver stated, “It is so wonderful to have the children be exposed to so many avenues of art and offer the development of young minds. It is a wonderful program that allows the students to attend after school and experience art with a professional artist.”  Stardust brings to the students the development of engaging  the student’s minds to reflect creativity and visions apply those thoughts to creating wonderful art.

“Art is a universal form of communication that spans the development and creativity of a child’s minds”, stated Cheryl Ehlers. Now days so much of the arts are eliminated in the schools lacking funding to provide the opportunities for children to learn to explore their own capabilities.  Art is an expression of thought and processing and needs to be developed providing a joyful inner happiness, something very necessary in the further development of a student’s academic success to a well rounded education, she said.

Stardust has been teaching elementary students since 2009, when it was awarded a grant from the Kenneth A Picerne Foundation and since then has shared the “stardusted” experience in over 17 schools, 2900 students and exhibited in various City events, and community programs. The program has been recognized by the California State Assembly and the San Diego Board of Supervisors for its commitments to the youth in North San Diego Communities and is joint ventured  with Dr. Wilderness Show, a non-profit company.

As an active community artist Cheryl participates in numerous community projects, displays in local venues in North San Diego County and is presently the President of the San Dieguito Art Guild in Encinitas, an establishment that has been in business since 1965 and assists in education in the arts within the community.
You can view the students .artwork at Visit http://www.thestardustarts.com for details or contact Cheryl Ehlers at 760-519.1551 for additional  program  information.
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