Washington, D.C. Global Church Gathering Resurrected by Planners to "Save America"Christians from around the world are called to Washington, DC to support the vision for the Save America Gathering; The Million Christian Prayer Gathering in Washington, DC, on October 20, 2012, from 8 am to 9 pm.
One such event, The Save America Gathering; The Million Christian Prayer Gathering [http://www.saveamericagathering.com] in Washington, DC, is scheduled for 8 am to 9 pm, Saturday, October 20th, 2012, on the National Mall, in Washington, DC. Planners are calling Christians from around the world to assemble, in unity, in repentant prayer and fasting, to ask the Lord for forgiveness, and mercy, and to ask Him to heal our land by His mighty hand. By the power of prayer, the planners seek to permanently change the course of our nation, and thereby, history, by returning our land and people to the Judeo-Christian principles which guided our nation's founders and framers throughout its establishment. During the Save America gathering, the city of Washington, DC, will be covered in worship. An additional, critical event activity will be the rededication and reinforcement of Christians' responsibility to stand by, support, protect, and defend the nation of Israel and the Jewish people. Families, young adults, youth and supervised children are especially encouraged to attend the Save America Gathering event, as that will facilitate their participation in a generational transference of the spiritual Kingdom mantle of service and duty to our young believers and their Christian families. For additional information, call 925.957.9976, visit http://www.saveamericagathering.com, or email saveamericagathering.org@ Photo: https://www.prlog.org/ End