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Follow on Google News | Meth Victim Speaks Out: Meth Prevention Speaker for Liberation and Human PreservationA meth victim speaks out & tells his personal story. Worldwide minister and motivational speaker Paul F Davis, a meth prevention speaker, tells his horrible story how at 17 y/o his best friend from junior high school became a meth cook & drug dealer.
Worldwide minister and motivational speaker, a meth prevention speaker, tells his horrible story at the tender age of 17 how his best friend from junior high school with whom he played baseball for years became a meth cook and drug dealer thanks to his uncle's influence (his uncle a chemist, pharmacist seeking to prey on people). Paul at Daytona Beach during spring break with his "friend" was foolishly persuaded to "just try it" and once he did it was a hellish experience. Thankfully after 6 or more hours of misery, demonic activity and mental agony (hearing voices and all the bodily torment) by the grace of God, Paul was able to get some sleep, wake up the next day and call his beloved grandfather to pick him up and take him home to Orlando. Meanwhile Paul's "friend" and other buddy left him alone as they proceeded to party on, not regarding Paul's life nor the damage they had done, neither the possibility of utterly killing him. Thereafter Paul discontinued befriending the guy who pushed the meth on him. This former "friend" (whom Paul's grandfather said, "Remove the r from friend / fiend - that is what you have.) later went to federal prison for 10 years for selling drugs. Hence today one of Paul's favorite sayings is: "Show me your friends and I will show you your future!" Today Paul is a meth prevention speaker, a meth victim speaker who endeavors to helps youth, parents and adults worldwide who are tempted, duped, and snared by meth. Paul has traveled to 64 countries worldwide empowering and liberating countless people from addictions, substance abuse and low self-esteem. No stranger to substance abuse, Paul grew up the son of a drug addict and alcoholic mother (who was a high school cheerleader, honor graduate from UCF and utterly destroyed her life). Paul's mom was killed by an 18 year old drunk driver in 2000. In 2006 Paul himself was nearly killed by a drunk driver who totaled his vehicle on a Tuesday afternoon, when the woman driving drunk got her 2nd DUI in two years before being put behind bars. Paul is a non-drinker, non-smoker and former fitness trainer who speaks on health, wellness, food and drug safety, as well as meth prevention to help liberate the captives and families tormented by addicting substances. info @ - meth victim speaks out, a meth prevention speaker with supernatural power, wisdom and experiential understanding who compassionately and boldly helps sober up meth users globally. A meth victim speaks out & tells his personal story. Worldwide minister and motivational speaker Paul F Davis, a meth prevention speaker, tells his horrible story how at 17 y/o his best friend from junior high school became a meth cook & drug dealer. End
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