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Follow on Google News | Port Adelaide - The only place on earth where the Greens want the destruction of the natural habitatDon't be fooled - a vote for Labor or the Greens is a vote for MORE heavy industrial pollution in the Port River - and more harm to the dolphins.
By: Authorised by G.Johanson After pressure from Johanson and the media, Labor last week finally admitted that they are leasing out a large portion of Torrens Island for heavy industrial development. This will result in the demolition of the valued heritage area of the old Quarantine Station, and the destruction of the much natural habitat including mangroves which is a vital fish breeding area, and adjacent the world famous Port River Dolphin Sanctuary. Apparently willing to say almost anything to avoid losing the Port Adelaide Electorate, the Labor Party who have not stepped back from their commitment to the above mentioned, have 'promised' an enlarged protection area for Torrens Island. In return the Greens are preferencing Labor above Independent Johanson, who has been a strident critic of Labor's Torrens Island destruction plans. "The Greens have sold out the heritage and habitat of Torrens Island for the promise of a park. "It doesn't take a genius to work out that as soon as the by-election is out of the way the Government will find some convenient excuse not to protect any further areas of Torrens Island. At the same time, the State is kissing goodbye the valuable heritage site of the quarantine station and the vitally important mangroves. "I'm not ashamed to admit, as a keen fisherman, I have a vested interest in the future of the Island. I love and value the Port River, its history and its environmental importance. Torrens Island is a valuable part of its eco system because it is the natural breeding ground for fish. The real threats are not from recreational fishing but from heavy industry and bad decision making at a State level. Dr Close and Labor want to bring in the No Take Zones which will destroy recreational fishing and not help the environment at all. People need to understand that a Labor win in Port Adelaide will be seen by them as endorsement of No Take Zones." "The Greens say one thing but do another; they are no better than Labor," Johanson said. Gary Johanson has predicted of a voter backlash against the Greens over their decision to support Torrens Island habitat destruction for a promise. Further information: About Gary Johanson Gary has had a long association with the Port Adelaide area. Gary’s Grandfather arrived from Sweden and settled in Port Adelaide. Gary spent 19 years working in towns across country SA and the Northern Territory with the Bank of Adelaide and ANZ. Gary and wife Vicky started their business, Paint Supplies of SA, in 1990. They have 3 teenage children, and are passionate about improving the Port Adelaide area. Apart from his keen interest about the future direction of the Port Adelaide area, and his concern at environmental issues and conserving history, Gary also has a passion for boats, motor bikes and cars (especially hot-rods!), and has a collection which he maintains and uses for community events. Further information: # # # MAD Australia Productions is a media production house that offers PR, written copy, journalist interviews, training and broadcast quality video production for the corporate sector. End