We need to band together for the common goal of preserving the health of the planet.

Sodalite is a deep-blue stone that is veined with white and its name meaning ‘sodium stone’.
By: Annette Pieper
March 27, 2012 - PRLog -- Jewel of the Week: Sodalite

Sodalite is a deep-blue stone that is veined with white and its name meaning ‘sodium stone’.  Sodalite vibrates with the brow chakra (6th chakra), otherwise know as the third eye which is located just above the center of the brow line.  The third eye is the center of visual, psychic, and intuitive perception.  Sodalite is a stone of wholeness.  It encourages idealism and the striving for truth.  Sodalite provides us with access to the sacred laws of the universe allowing for subtle feelings to permeate the center of our beings.  Sodalite is excellent when used in groups, providing for fellowship, solidarity and commonality in the group’s goal and purpose.

Daily Jewel:

We celebrate Earth Day every April. Earth Day is a day set aside to honor this place, this sacred living entity that we live upon.  Many groups come together on this day with a common purpose, to honor the planet.  It’s a day to take a look at the way we treat our earth mother.  

Are we involved in a give-and-take relationship or do we spend our time taking without giving back to this precious life resource?  How do you personally stack up in this give-and-take relationship?  Are you doing your part to take care of her?  Do you recycle?  Buy organic products?  Do you live simply or are you caught up in the consumerism of our time, wanting more and more and more?  

What about the car that you drive, does it get good gas mileage?  Is it bigger than you need?  These and more are key questions that we need to ask ourselves.  We are part of a whole ecosystem and how we take care of the earth is representative of how we take care of and feel about ourselves.

We need to band together for the common goal of preserving the health of the planet. There is an ecological movement that has risen from psychology called ecopsychology.  One of the theories of ecopsychology is that much of the depression, violence and mental illness that is seen today has a direct correlation to our “disconnect" from nature.  Ecopsychology is not new.  Its roots date back to pagan, aboriginal, and indigenous cultures, better known as “Stone Age Psychiatry”.  They knew what we are now discovering; that we are only part of the greater whole, the ecosystem; we are not separate from it.   Here is a web site that you can go to and take a short test to see the ecological footprint that you leave on this planet.  I challenge you to take the test, evaluate where you can make changes and then take steps towards giving back to the earth.   http://www.carbonfootprint.com/calculator.aspx

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I am The Soul Power Coach, mentor, speaker, trainer and author. http://PurposeToPassionToProfits.com
Source:Annette Pieper
Email:***@purposetopassiontoprofits.com Email Verified
Tags:Soul Purpose, Overcoming Challenges, Life Balancing
Location:Murray - Utah - United States
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