Frustrated Same Day Payday Loans Seekers Are Flocking to No-hype Payday Loans Information Website

A lot of folk looking for info on same day payday loans tend to have the same problems when trying to find good, solid advice. George Smith was astounded with the response he received from the opening week of his new payday loan information website.
July 1, 2012 - PRLog -- Same Day Payday Loan seeker George Smith was astounded with the response he received from the opening week of his new website dedicated to concise and up to date information about getting a same day payday loan. Being unable to find valuable insights on the internet on this subject, without the accompanying ‘hype’ he decided to publish the results of his own findings in his no nonsense, hype-free, dedicated web pages.

"Selecting the right payday loan is critical. I found it almost impossible to find the correct information I was looking for without having to trawl through an almost endless stream of incorrect info. It takes an age to sieve through all the hype in order to get to the solid facts. I was so frustrated that I undertook the job of finding out the facts myself and publish my findings on-line for all to read. It’s a complete ‘time saver’ and the response I’ve received only confirms there are a lot of like minded folk out there just begging for the right information,” says Smith.

Smith also reports that his website, that was launched only a short time ago has been swamped with eager payday loan knowledge seekers all searching advice on up-to-the-moment news.

“It’s not that my information is unique or un-known,” says Smith. “It’s just that I try to get to the point and deliver the relevant info without the over-hyped sales pitch which you tend to find on commercial websites. I publish only the facts and where to find amazing same day payday loans without filling up the pages with un-necessary garbage. It’s a great success.”

Due to the ever increasing volumes of traffic Smith’s website has jumped in popularity and its Alexa rating has went from of over 18 million to under 600 thousand in just a short space of time and it still continues to improve daily. His website has also had to move hosts to an ‘unlimited’ bandwidth company to cope with the extra visitors it is enjoying.
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