GovComm Executes Memorandum of Agreement with FEMA

GovComm executed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the purpose of gaining access to the IPAWS-OPEN Test Environment.
By: GovComm, Inc.
Sept. 18, 2012 - PRLog -- Washington, D.C. – September 18, 2012:  GovComm executed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the purpose of gaining access to the IPAWS-OPEN Test Environment.    Since executing the MOA, GovComm successfully posted digitally signed IPAWS Profile alerts in the test environment, proven capabilities to exchange situational information between collaborative operating groups via Common Alert Protocol (CAP) and Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL), posted Non-Weather Emergency Messages (NWEM) for the National Weather Service HazCollect system, Emergency Alert System (EAS), and Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) and polled IPAWS-OPEN for retrieval and dissemination of alerts.

The Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) is part of a National Initiative under Executive Order 13407 to develop an effective, reliable, integrated, flexible, and comprehensive system to alert and warn the American people.  FEMA is building IPAWS to ensure that the President of the United States can alert and warn the American people, it can also be used by State, Tribal, and Local authorities to send emergency warnings within their jurisdictions.  IPAWS provides alerting authorities the capability to send a single message over multiple communication pathways which include: Emergency Alert System (EAS), Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) National Weather Service (NWS) and Other Future Technologies.

The IPAWS-OPEN SOA platform can be viewed as an enterprise messaging system which allows integration between different architectures without the need for writing code through the use of interface adapters and data transformation services. SOA describes an IT infrastructure which allows different applications to exchange data with one another as they participate in business processes. The objective of an SOA is to deliver business processes to end-users and other systems. IPAWS-OPEN uses and GovComm has integrated with the following web services:

•   Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) version 1.1- This service provides the method for providing an interfacing system with the ability to post CAP messages to IPAWS-OPEN for access by other interoperating systems. The ability to post and receive CAP 1.1 Alerts is a fundamental capability of IPAWS-OPEN. The COGs are also able to retrieve CAP Alerts posted to them using a variety of filtering paradigms based on the content of the alert.
•   Emergency Data Exchange Language - Distribution Element (EDXL-DE) – This service provides the method for providing an interfacing system with the ability to post EDXL-DE messages to IPAWS-OPEN for access by other interfacing systems. The EDXL-DE capability provides IPAWS COGs with the ability to send and receive message content wrapped in a standard XML meta-data structure. The EDXL-DE allows content to be characterized by content type, sender organization type, desired receiving organization type, and/or geographic area of interest.
•   Non-Weather Emergency Message (NWEM) – This service provides the method for providing an interfacing system with the ability to post Non-Weather Emergency Messages (NWEM) via IPAWS-OPEN to the NWS HazCollect system. This capability provides members of individually authorized COGs with the ability to post specialized CAP 1.1 messages via the IPAWS-OPEN NWEM Web Service for delivery to the National Weather Service HazCollect system. The NWEM messages are then broadcasted by NWS over NOAA Weather Radio and other distribution mechanisms such as the EAS.
•   IPAWS Alert Aggregator Service (CAP Version 1.2) - This service provides interfacing systems with the ability to post Alerts and Warning to IPAWS Dissemination Channels including CMAS, EAS, and NWS-HazCollect. It also provides the capability to post CAP v1.2 messages for retrieval by other interoperating systems in the same manner as the other IPAWS-OPEN messaging services.

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Contact Information:
Craig A. Waltzer
Chief Executive Officer
Washington, D.C. Office: 202-650-0244
Miami, Florida Office: 305-937-2000
Cell: 786-201-4915
Source:GovComm, Inc.
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Tags:IPAWS, Cap, EDXL, Eas, Executive Order 13407
Location:Washington - District of Columbia - United States
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