"Why I Sued Eddie Murphy" Book by Author Gregory L Hudson Sparks A 'Price War' On Amazon"Why I Sued Eddie Murphy" book sparks a 'price war' on Amazon. This 'captivating' book reveals stunning details of Hudson's court battles against Eddie Murphy and Universal Studios for copyrights over the hit movie, Life, now sells for $11.95.
"Why I Sued Eddie Murphy" tells a 'captivating' ... 'first-hand' account of Hudson's 10 year copyright theft lawsuit over the hit movie, "Life", starring Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence, Heavy D, Bernie Mac, and others. Named in his $100 million dollar copyright infringement lawsuit, in addition to Eddie Murphy, was Heavy D, Brian Grazer, Robert Ramsey, Mathew Stone, Imagine Films Entertainment, and Universal Studios. http://www.youtube.com/ The book begins with Hudson's hilarious account of the day that he took his play "No Harm, No Foul" (an outrageous comedy about a black basketball player falsely accused of raping a white woman and is sentence to an illegal slave plantation in Walla Walla Washington) to rapper, Heavy D (a/k/a Dwight Meyers at Universal Music Group's office in New York City in 1996. Hudson's story quickly moves from a heart- Coming off of his highly successful workshops, 'The Process of Writing' and as a panelist for, 'An Identity Crisis in Black Theatre' at the Atlanta Black Theatre Festival, he answered all questions about "Why I Sued Eddie Muprhy", related events, won over the crowds in spectacular fashion, and easily became a 'festival favorite' during his lectures, workshops, and a one hour book discussion on Saturday, October 6, 2012. Considered by many as an 'expert in intellectual property' as a result of his experiences, he spoke eloquently, passionately about his lawsuits, and stunned the audiences with 'riveting' accounts of misfortunes, questionable court rulings against him, and betrayal by his attorneys and law firms on two separate occassions. Those actions left him defending for himself all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States against the mega Intellectual Property Law Firm of Cowan Liebowitz & Latman PC ("CLL" and thier high priced lawyers Richard Dannay and Thomas Kjellberg) -- on two separate occassions. Hudson held back nothing and answered all questions regarding copyright theft, how to protect your work, his experiences within the American Judicial System and more. "Copyright theft has long since been a hot topic of discussion, especially now days with the explosion of copyright theft on the internet and has now come to the forefront", he says. Hudson's book, like no other book written about copyright theft, demonstrates the difficulties of prevailing against entertainment industry giants and highlights how the same courts can rule on the same copyright issues and yet .... issue totally different rulings that are seemingly in stark contrast to other courts and precedence setting cases. "Why I Sued Eddie Murphy" doesn't simply talk about Eddie Murphy, the lawsuit, or Universal Studios. The books cleverly moves away from the lawsuit altogether in some chapters through the use of flashbacks, flashforwards, and other literary devices. In "Chapter 6: Crash & Burn," Hudson tells of a 'death-defying' account of falling out of an airplane from five or six thousand feet on his first parachute jump in Fort Benning, Georgia as he was training to become an Airborne Para Trooper and assigned to the US Army's 5th Special Forces Green Berets. In Hudson's unique style and humor as a writer, he tells of this heart-pounding fall from the sky in a most humorous way that only Gregory L Hudson could. He recounts in chapter 6, "The parachute wrapped up around my head in what the military calls a "cigarette roll". I was finally able to pull my reserve parachute and it flew between my legs. "It's all over now buddy," I said to myself as the ground was racing towards me at about 120 miles per hour. I pulled my reserve parachute from between my legs as I decended towards the ground ..... and shortly afterwards .... BAM!" Hudson goes on, "The next thing I knew .... I was lying on my back .... looking at the sky .... and trying to find Jesus. I just knew Jesus was in those clouds somewhere .... I just had to find him. Mannnnn, was I "loopy"! In addition to "Why I Sued Eddie Murphy," Hudson has worked for the New York City Department of Education for many years. He currently teaches Theatre/Drama at Junior High School 231 (a wonderful school with wonderful students under Principal, Emmanuel Lubin) in Springfield Gardens, New York. He hopes to some day see his four published books used within the Department of Education and in the classrooms. Hudson wrote, "48 POEMS: Reflections Of A Poet" (his 2nd book) as a resource to enhance students' comprehension skills. "I noticed that too many students struggled with understanding what they read much too often as I taught theatre or English," says Hudson. 48 POEMS through the use of poetry and pictures, provides a fun and effective strategy for enhancing comprehension in the classroom -- especially when students realize that the book and poetry is written by their own treacher. 48 POEMS: Reflections Of A Poet has: 48 original poems, 8 different genres, 48 synopses, 48 Higher Order Thinking questions, a chapter on commonly used vernacular, and a glossary of commonly used literary terms. "MONOLOGUES: "SHOWTIME: Comedic Acting Scenes for Two Actors" is his 3rd book. It has 16 original scenes from Hudson's plays, films, tv pilots, and radio dramas. It has more extensive chapters on stage terminology, film terminology, and commonly used vernacular. All of Hudson's books are original and were written with classroom instructions, actors and directors in mind. As for "Why I Sued Eddie Murphy", Hudson wrote this book to 'set the record straight' and as a way of 'letting the public see the evidence of the case and decide for itself as to the truth'. Like all of his books, "Why I Sued Eddie Murphy" is a tremendous resource for the classroom for law, the judical process, copyright infringement, and inspiration. All of his books are available in Barnes & Nobles, Amazon, (ebooks except 48 Poems) and most outlets where books are sold. Hudson is the Founder/Artistic Director of Poor Penny Productions, Inc and is available for lectures, symposium, and workshops on "The Process of Writing", "How To Protect Your Work", and "Theatre". http://www.poorpennyproductions.com/ He is also featured in the up coming documentary, "Injustice for All: Summary MisJudgment" "I do find it very surprising that my decade long court battles against Eddie Murphy and Universal Studios have recieved little or no main stream press or media coverage in light of such important issues, he says. In addition to writing books, Hudson will now turn his focus back to his passion --- 'the theatre', where he will resume writing, producing, directing (some acting) and is working on the movie version of his plays, "No Harm, No Foul" and "Bronx House" which he stated were used without his authorization to make the movie, "Life" starring Eddie Murphy and distributed by Universal Pictures. While the retailers are selling "Why I Sued Eddie Murphy" for nearly 50% off, some may only have a few copies in stock. Photo: https://www.prlog.org/ End
Page Updated Last on: Nov 02, 2012