Medical Volunteers Key to Final Planning of the October 20, 2012 "Save America Gathering"Intercessory Prayer Leaders, Emerging Leaders, Catholics and Orthodox Christian, and Jewish Leaders of all orthodoxies and traditions, and Messianic Jewish Believers, are also Invited to Participate in the Sacred Assembly on the National Mall
By: One Church // One Voice-ADMIN Planners are also continuing their financial appeal to all Christians and Messianic Jewish believers, as well. To fund an event of this size, the Save America Gathering is appealing for financial partners who will sow into the initiative as an expression of solidarity with the vision and recognition of the urgency of the hour. “Many people have heard God’s call to pray for America in this season,” Richardson said. “But how many are willing to sacrifice something material to demonstrate their sincere commitment to the cause? God has promised the healing of our land if we respond aright, but it comes with a cost. King David declared, ‘I will not offer to the Lord my God sacrifices that have cost me nothing,’” he said, quoting 2 Samuel 24:24. “A true sacrifice releases power in the spiritual realm.” The Save America Gathering has suggested individual donations of $50, as a representation of America’s 50 states, or $236 to represent the years the United States of America has been in existence. Larger gifts and gifts-in-kind from business and corporate donors (national or international) Rev. Kevin E. Richardson, one of the event organizers, noted the unusual confluence of Christian groups gathering to pray for the nation at this time in history. “America is at a strategic moment when we have a divine call to gather in unity and humility to cry out to God for His mercy and blessing on our land,” he said. “How we respond will determine the course of history in the nation and the world.” He made a fervent plea for intercessors across the country and abroad to join the Save America Gathering and add their prayers to the critical mass of intercession arising on October 20. He quoted theologian Walter Wink in saying, “History belongs to the intercessors.” Organizers of musicians of all kinds, solo artists, praise and worship teams, and choirs, as well as praise and prophetic dancers, mimes, flag and banner, and prophetic artists are respectfully asked to contact "Save America Gathering" Worship Coordinator Courtney Mosley, at Persons wishing to blow the Shofar must register with as well as Catholics of all orthodoxies and traditions and Orthodox Christians are being called, especially, to participate in the sacred assembly on the National Mall. "We want to unify our faith, beyond the scisms and fractures which have occured, in the past," said Robert Berry, speaking for the Save America Gathering Board of Directors. "It is imperitive that, in the future, we begin to see ourselves as a cohesive force, and act together, in concert with one another," Berry concluded. Also, especially invited, are Jewish followers of God. While Messianic Jews are already invited to participate in all the day's events, all faithful Jewish believers are invited to the reaffirmation of the covenant relationship between the United States of America and the people and the nation of Israel, a key event during the "Save America Gathering." If your Rabbi or synogogue, or Messianic Rabbi wishes to participate in the Honoring of Israel hour of our event, please contact Rev. Kevin E. Richardson, at All attendees are asked to wear red, white, and blue, as they are led by the spirit, and to prepare well for the day's weather. The "Save America Gathering" will be held on the National Mall, from 8 am to 9 pm, Saturday, October 20, 2012, north of the west end of the Smithsonian Institute, between 14th Street, 12th Street, Madison NW, and Jefferson SW. Photo: End