Book Release: Cassandra Reincarnates After 3,000 years to Fight Global WarmingAuthor J. Perry Kelly, twice a surrogate biotech spokesperson for the GW Bush White House, announces "The Sibyl Reborn," a metaphysical adventure in trade paperback and Kindle that explores the psychological roots of climate change denial.
By: Dawn C. Kelly Dec. 10, 2012 - PRLog -- Manitou Springs, Colorado -- Paralyzed author J. Perry Kelly, five years a Conservative biotech adviser, ended his stem cells involvement in late 2006 in protest over Conservative plans to distort and discredit the science of climate change. Instead, he wrote and published "The Sibyl Reborn," which reincarnates Cassandra, frustrated prophetess from the "Fall of Troy," to fight global warming only to discover she's as cursed as ever.
Kelly first sketched this speculative fiction after a 1997 spinal cord injury left him paralyzed below the shoulders, an injury that stemmed from his hard-headed refusal to face his factual circumstances. Kelly's subsequent exposure to national [biotech] policy-making opened his eyes to the disturbing implications of a scientifically proven aspect of our psyches--the human ability to rationalize actions and beliefs regardless of facts and regardless of I.Q., worldview, academic training, or profession. He returned to "The Sibyl Reborn" determined to pen an entertaining novel that reveals the disastrous potentials this tendency can unleash, especially concerning energy and the environment. Formerly a contributing writer to National Review Online, Human Events, The Seoul Times, Celebrate Life, and Paraplegia News, Kelly supports and opposes fracking while writing the sequel to "The Sibyl Reborn." Along with Selene, his wife of twenty-eight years, he lives in Colorado at the foot of Pikes Peak. Contact James P. Kelly 719-685-2512 Skype: JPerryK JamesPKelly @ LinkedIn The Sibyl Reborn [One Earth, One Chance] Publisher: Dawn C. Kelly Formats: Kindle, 6X9" trade paperback, 568 pages Website: Kindle sales: Hard copy sales: Cloey's Book Reviews: End
Page Updated Last on: Dec 12, 2012