From the Conservative Liberty Think Tank of Minnesota & the Red River Valley

Noting that Congress might avert a Fiscal Milk Price Cliff for now by extending the 2008 Farm Bill until next October
By: Author: David Adams, Minnesota businessman & Co Fo
Dec. 31, 2012 - PRLog -- Panelists: Bill Batchelder, Mark Murdock, David Sturrock, Barb Cheverstad, Craig Bishop, Kay Steiger, Scott Hennen, Dan Johanneck, David Adams, Becky Skogen, Gina Kitchenmaster

The smaller and older Dairy operations, the very ones he has neglected to assist in Minnesota and throughout the Midwest, will continue to disappear in 2013 while his proposed Farm Bill and future Dairy Security Act will still cause ruinous milk prices and destroy the Midwest dairy infrastructure.”

(Fergus Falls, MN) – With no passage of Rep. Collin Peterson proposed 2012 Farm Bill & Dairy Security Act, Congress has decided to extend the older 2008 Farm Bill until October to avert appalling price hikes in Milk Prices.  Peterson’s agriculture platform failures and oppression against the Minnesota and Wisconsin Dairy Industry is endangering its very existence. In Minnesota alone, 80% of is Dairy Industry has disappeared under this powerful Agricultural Chairman who now sees fit to dictate Dairy Farmers, while he rakes in millions of Agricultural Industrial PAC funding.

Under Peterson, the California Dairies have subsidized his election campaigns over his tenure, and raked in huge subsidies to improve and modernize their Dairies when corn prices were low and fuel inexpensive.  Meanwhile, his own home grown back yard world class dairyland was ignored, not allowed to modernize.  Now, Peterson’s Dairy Security Act hampers Minnesota Dairy Producers and hastens the demise of the once stable and world class Dairy Industry within his own state.  Why can’t Peterson tell his Congressional Colleagues and the National Media the truth?  Why can’t Rep. Collin Peterson see his legislation destroys Minnesota and other Midwestern Dairy farms and the long established infrastructure they need to operate?

There was a time when the price of corn enabled California Dairy’s to pay the price to haul corn to California to feed their Dairy Operations.  That is no longer the case.  The price of corn is far too high and the price of fuel to haul that feed is ruinous.  But, Collin Peterson, through his proposed Farm Bill and Dairy Security Act, will prop up all those new modern California Dairy Producers, while ignoring his own Minnesota Constituent Dairy Producers and Producers in

Midwest Region of the United States. When he meets with them, Representative Peterson just dictates how it will be and listens to no one unless they come from Cargill or Monsanto, or California. Who will get all these new farm subsidy payments that Peterson proposes?  Answer: The larger California Producers, and the large Agricultural-Industrial PAC’’s that paid for his re-election.

The smaller and older Dairy operations, the very ones he has neglected over the years to assist in Minnesota and the entire Midwest, will continue to disappear in 2013 while reaping no benefits from his proposed Farm Bill and future Dairy Security Act.  Minnesota has already lost 80% of its Dairy Producers since Peterson was first elected to office.   Congress needs to revamp his 2008 Farm Bill and create a more fair legislation that allows the Midwestern States to improve their operations because the feed grain is already present within the region, and the cost to haul that feed grain is minimal.  

Even the The International Dairy Foods Association opposes Peterson’s proposed Dairy Market Stabilization Program.  They see this supply management program as dangerous to the U.S. Dairies, raising consumer prices, hurting exports, and costing the Dairy Industry thousands of new jobs.

The Congress might avert a Fiscal Cliff Milk Price Hike for now, but that Hike is coming unless they stop Representative Collin Peterson from dictating the supply and demand to Minnesota and America’s Midwestern Dairy Farmers.  

*Writing for the Conservative Liberty Think Tank, Panelist David Adams is a Businessman, NRA Member, owner of American Mystique.  Mr. Adams lives in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, with his family*
Source:Author: David Adams, Minnesota businessman & Co Fo
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Tags:Milk sales, Milk price hike
Location:Fergus Falls - Minnesota - United States
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