Asteroid Impact! One Hit Russia; One Killed the Dinosaurs. Revelation Foretells one will Destroy Us.

Researchers at UnknownTruths Publishing Company assessed our dangers from asteroids. We have been hit 350 times during the last 10,000 years by destructive asteroids. Statistics tell us we will be destroyed by an asteroid. We need to build a shield.
ORLANDO, Fla. - May 4, 2013 - PRLog -- The recent Russian asteroid prompted researchers at UnknownTruths Publishing Company to assess our dangers from such asteroids.  It was learned that we have been hit about 350 times during the last 10,000 years by destructive asteroids.

Asteroids that could kill more than one-quarter of humanity have been estimated to occur about every 330,000 years.

We now know of 8,880 near-Earth asteroids that range in size from 1 meter up to about 32 kilometers.  The number of near-Earth asteroids over one kilometer in diameter is estimated to be about 981.

The asteroid (or comet) that destroyed the dinosaurs was about 10-kilometers and struck Earth about 65 million years ago just north of the Yucatan Peninsula.

The most destructive asteroid in the history of mankind struck Earth about 11,632 years ago.  It destroyed almost all life on Earth, but some people were able to hide in caves and survived.  They later wrote about the event and the researchers found the ancient document recording their experiences.  It is believed to be mankind’s oldest surviving document.

The researchers also found several dozen additional ancient documents further detailing the event and its affect on Earth: it created total chaos and drastically changed the topography of the Earth.

The most readily visible impact crater is in Arizona and occurred about 50,000 years ago.

The most recent impacts were in Russia in 1908 and the very recent one this year.

All of the known impacts, of which hundreds were found, indicate that it is just a matter of time before one will destroy all of us.

Revelation in the Bible foretells that this is our destiny.

And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great Earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; Revelation 6:12

And the stars of heaven fell unto the Earth….Revelation 6:13

Statistics based on historical impacts fully support Revelation.  One will eventually destroy us.

We can however, prevent destruction from some of the smaller asteroids and delay the destruction predicted by Revelation.

We already have the technology to detect potential asteroid impacts and deflect them with a rocket containing an atomic weapon to ablate materials from the asteroid enough to veer its trajectory to prevent an impact.

We need to find a world leader that can convince the diversity of national leaders to initiate and fund the project.  We need a visionary like President Kennedy who visualized and funded a trip to the moon.

A cooperative world wide project could fund and develop the needed protection project and have it operational in a few years.

This project is by far more important than petty wars or any limited humanitarian projects; it is the salvation of the total of all humanity.

All of us need to join forces to alert our leaders to the fatal disaster and persuade them to initiate the needed project.

The researchers documented their findings in the book:  Asteroid Impact! Revelation Foretells Our End.  It is available as an eBook, a paperback, and will soon be available as an Audio Book from Amazon at
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