How to Start Making Money Online: 5 Steps Every Newbie Should Take

I’ve made my living completely online since 2007 so I receive a lot of questions from others who want to know how to do it. Following is one, which inspired me to write this piece. Most successful online entrepreneurs will tell you much the same.
By: Inkwell Editorial
May 14, 2013 - PRLog -- I’ve made my living completely online since 2007. Hence, I receive a lot of questions from others who want to know how they can do the same. Following is one, which inspired me to write this piece. Query any successful online entrepreneur, and I’m willing to bet dollars to doughnuts they’ll tell you much of the same thing.

I can't tell you how happy I am I found your site. You are doing exactly what I want to do and you make it simple to understand. Because of circumstances I work 60-70 hours a week at a job I hate. What would be the best something small I can start with so I can cut back on my overtime and work my way out of my job. You offer so much wonderful information I don't know where to start. Thank You, L-

In answer to her specific question about what small think she should start with, my answer would be affiliate marketing -- simply because you can start doing it – and making money -- without spending any money.

With that being said, following are some concrete steps you should take if you want to learn how to make money online. This advice applies to any type of online business you want to start because the initial steps are the same.

5 Easy Steps to Get You On Your Way to Making Money Online – No Matter What Type of Business You Want to Start


Many who want to strike out on their own fail to get started because they talk themselves out of it by putting roadblocks in the way. For example, they may say, I need to get a website before I start, learn how to update a blog before I start, get my logo designed before I start, do (you fill in the blank).

All this is is fear – and many fail to get real with themselves and recognize it because they think they’re doing something, ie, waiting to get a website done, etc.

The bottom line is, if you want to start making money online, don’t wait for the timing to be perfect or to get “x” done, etc. The reason is the timing will never be perfect and you’ll never finish all you want to do before you start.

You just need to start. Once you do, the excitement and momentum will usually keep you going – getting all those things done that you thought you needed BEFORE you started.


A pro -- and con -- of making money online is that there are one thousand and one ways to do it. I know this from personal experience, as I earn money online in several ways, ie:  as an affiliate marketer; writing and self-publishing my own line of ebooks; and as a freelance (SEO) writer for online businesses.

But you have to settle on a business idea – and stick with it. If you keep flitting from opportunity to opportunity, you’ll ever make any real money online because you’ll always be starting over.


In case you don't know, SEO stands for search engine optimization. And if you do business online, you need to know it because SEO is all about getting eyeballs to your site/blog/online presence. Without website traffic, you can't make sales.

And FYI, you don’t have to become an "SEO expert;” knowing the fundamentals – and staying on top of them – is all you need to be successful. Once you start working your online business, you’ll naturally learn more because you’ll be reading what others are doing and trying out different things.


Once you get the fundamentals of search engine optimization under your belt, then you need to create a marketing plan.  With so many ways to market online, it’s critical that you have a defined plan that you can afford to stick to – and work consistently (this is key to marketing – online and off).


Making money online ( is a process of trial and error. You're going to try some things that work brilliantly, and others will be a complete flop. But you have to keep at it. If you stay focused in your efforts (eg, not flitting from one business to the next); track your efforts; and make time to continuously learn what the “big boys” do to make so much money, eventually you will hit upon something that works.


About the Author: Yuwanda Black lives part-time in the Caribbean (Jamaica) and has made her living completely online since 2007. She’s earned thousands of dollars as an affiliate marketer just by placing free ads online. Learn everything you need to know about how to make money posting free classified ads at, including how to choose "hot" products to promote, how to write effective ads, whether or not you need a website/blog -- and more.
Source:Inkwell Editorial
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