July 18, 2013 -
PRLog -- In addition to a long list of huge clients, MPC Models has been blessed with the opportunity to cast for an upcoming Disney production. Over 50 MPC Models talent got the chance to audition for the Disney crew, in order to be considered for a role in their production. The age range of talent considered for this particular casting was 7 years of age to 40 yrs of age, and MPC has it all! As the #1 Management Company in the nation, MPC Models goes to bat for their amazing talent pool, and are more than willing to go the extra mile! As the company expands outwardly, clients are beginning to realize how much easier it is to find talent through a company like MPC Models. Our talent tend to be the best prepared, well mannered, and highly motivated. As the talent are selected for these Disney roles, more information will follow. When it comes to meeting a clients request, MPC Models stops at nothing to get the job done right! Again, MPC Models greatly appreciates the timeliness of our talent, as well as the amazing clients that we have come to work with. Go team MPC Models!