How Much Do Web Designers Charge to Update Sites?

This depends on numerous factors, eg, what the change is, how long it’ll take to complete, whether you’ll provide the updated copy or if the web designer has to do so, etc. Read on to learn more -- and why you should control your own website.
By: Inkwell Editorial
July 18, 2013 - PRLog -- Many freelance writers aren’t tech savvy. I know I wasn’t when I first started out in 1993. Back then, websites weren’t as important to your success; I didn’t even have a website until 1999.

After spending several thousand dollars to a web designer and still not being satisfied with it, my sister and I (we owned an editorial business at the time together) learned how to do simple ones in HTML. Since then, I’ve built probably 30 or 40 websites. And boy am I ever glad I developed this skill.

Now, none of my websites will ever win a design award, but they are functional and work well for what I need. With all of this being said, following are three reasons it’s critical for freelance writers and bloggers to learn how to update their own web presences.

I. It Puts You in Control: You don’t have to wait for your web designer, the friend who created it for you or your husband to update it for you. You can do it all yourself.

II. It’s Cheaper: Unless you’re using a friend/family member who agrees to update your site at no cost, EVERY time you need to update your site, it’s going to cost you money.

How Much Do Web Designers Charge to Update Sites

This depends on numerous factors, eg, what the change is, how long it’ll take to complete, whether you’ll provide the updated copy or if the web designer has to do so, etc.

In the post, How much do website updates cost for text, image, or other content changes?, on CreationDepot, a web graphic and design firm, some actualexamples are given based on the company’s fee structure. Changes range from a low of $25 to a high of $110 per page.

As this example illustrates, it can get expensive – fast!

III. You Earn More: How? Well for one, you save on web design fees – that’s the obvious one.

The other way is that you can control your inventory. What I mean by this is, if you want to offer deals, discounts, specials, new service offerings, etc., you can get the info to your clients/customers immediately by uploading the details to s to your website – if you know how to update it.

The final way knowing how to update your website/blog will earn you money is that it cuts out the middle man. There’s nothing like waiting for someone to get back to you. It is lost time – time you can’t get back. And when you freelance, time literally is money.

Imagine trying to get a time-sensitive offer up over a holiday weekend, for example, but your web designer doesn’t get back to you. Or, your cousin is too busy to upload the info for you. Or the last internet marketing firm your worked with went out of business. Or, you’re just strapped for cash and can’t afford to pay someone to do it.

For all of these reasons, learning how to update your own website/blog is not only necessary as a freelance writer, it’s critical to your success as an online writer.

How to Create and Maintain Your Own Website -- Cheaply

Most web hosting companies ( have easy-to-publish templates. All you have to do is click to not only select a design, but upload content as well. And, this can be done within a matter of minutes. Really!

When I designed my first website, there weren’t nearly as many easy, do-it-yourself options. So dive on into the web design/publishing waters. Once you do it, you’ll be like, “That’s all there is to it! I can’t believe how easy that was.”


About the Author: Yuwanda Black heads New Media Words, an SEO writing company she founded in 2008, and is the publisher of Inkwell Editorial, a blog devoted to helping others start successful, home-based writing careers. She's also the author of over 50 ebooks, most of which cover some aspect of freelance / SEO writing. They can be found on major outlets like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Get everything you need to start a successful, freelance, online writing business at, including what to put on your website/blog once you get it up.
Source:Inkwell Editorial
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