July 21, 2013 -
PRLog -- Sofia Hayat recently attended the London Indian Film Festival with her director Indra Bhose, from the BBC adaption of Bizets Carmen, "Bollywood Carmen". She said, "the opening film, "Monsoon Shootings", is probably one of the best films I have seen in Indian Cinema. I do hope films like this get the distribution they deserve, they have the potential to change the way films are made in India, and give the audience thought provoking, intelligent cinema.
Sofia, who started her career in the Uk, acting in films like "The Unforgettable"
, and has worked with actors like Stephen Fry in "Absolute Power", and more recently been seen in Bollywood films, says, "indian cinema is different to Bollywood, and these new films are an exciting evolution of cinema made in India. When asked if she herself would take on roles in films like these that are less well funded and distributed, she said, "i would definitely turn down a huge budget Bollywood film to work on a film like "Monsoon Shootings", I love challenging story lines that make audiences think!