Becoming a Freelance SEO Writer: What to Expect Your First Month

SEO writing can be a very busy profession. However, it may take a little time to work up to being crazy busy. With this being said, following are four things you can count on happening the first 30 days you start freelancing as a SEO copywriter.
By: Inkwell Editorial
Nov. 14, 2013 - PRLog -- Two articles are due for Client A; a series of blog posts are due for Client B; and Client C wants to know how much you’ll charge to handle their social media marketing – primarily Facebook and Twitter.

I own an SEO writing company, and all of this has happened to me – all in one day no less. Yes, it can be a busy profession. However, it may take some time to work up to this type of madness.

With this being said, following are four things you can count on happening the first 30 days you start freelancing as a SEO content writer.

1. Marketing: Most of your days will be taken up with marketing tasks. This is true by the way with practically all new businesses. You’re building “from the ground up,” so to speak, and Ground zero of starting a small business begins and ends with marketing.

How much time should you spend marketing? Well it depends on how much of the other stuff you’ve done, eg, have you:

Decided on your service offerings?

Setting on your freelance writing rates?

Gotten your writing samples done?

Decided on a niche (if you’ve decided to niche it)?

Gotten your website done?

If you’ve done all of this, then practically all of your time – yep, 95 to 100 percent of it, should be spent marketing for work.

2. Working for Free: And I don’t mean for clients, I mean all of that stuff I mentioned just above. If you’re new to business, it can seem like you’re working for free while you’re getting all of this taken care of.

Just know, the more effort you put into stuff like this up front, the quicker you’ll start landing SEO writing jobs.

3. Fear/Nerves: If you don’t have any jobs on tap – especially after marketing for a few days or a couple of weeks -- you’re going to start doubting yourself. Remember this post when that feeling creeps in and then ….

Get ahold of it!

As in, don’t let it paralyze you or make you doubt yourself. Some people land writing jobs pretty quickly; it takes others a few weeks or a couple of months to get their first gig. But, there is plenty of work out there for writers who specialize in providing search engine-optimized content. Why?

Because content marketing is where businesses are pouring their online marketing dollars nowadays. So keep at it. Learn more about what to expect on the road to SEO writing success (

4. Joy! There’ll come a day when a prospect you reached out to says yes, they want to hire you to write some articles, do some blog posts, handle some social media. You’re going to feel elated – and even more determined to make a go of this “freelance writing thing.”

And with that attitude, you will!

About the Author: Yuwanda Black heads New Media Words, an SEO writing company. She's also the publisher of two blogs – InkwellEditorial and SeoWritingJobs – leading sites for info on how to start successful, home-based freelance/SEO writing careers. She says, "With proper training as a freelance SEO content writer (, there's no reason you can't earn between $35,000 on the low end, on up to $75,000 (or more) - your first year -- as a freelance web writer." Ms. Black has authored over 50 ebooks, most of which cover some aspect of freelance / SEO writing. They can be found on major outlets like Amazon and Barnes & Noble, in addition to her own website.
Source:Inkwell Editorial
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Tags:Seo Content Writing, Writing For Seo, Freelance Seo Writing, About Seo Copywriting, Become Seo Writer
Industry:Business, Home business
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