Freelancers: How to Easily Increase Your SEO Writing Income – Without Marketing More

One of the easiest ways to increase your freelance writing income without doing more work is to upsell clients. Here's why and how to do it effectively -- and increase your SEO writing income exponentially.
By: Inkwell Editorial
Feb. 17, 2014 - PRLog -- Many freelance writers leave money on the table by not practicing the art of upselling.

What is Upselling?

In case you're not familiar with this type of "marketing speak," this is simply the practice ofpersuading an existing customer to purchase an additional product/service.

So, for example, as an SEO writer, if a client already uses you to ghostwrite their blog posts, why not ask them if you can distribute it for them to their social media accounts.

This would be "upselling them" on your social media account management services. You already write the content, so distributing it for them would be an easy thing to do and it increases the amount of each invoice -- sometimes by 50% or more!

The Value of Upselling in Your Freelance / SEO Writing Business

One of the best reasons to practice upselling is that it's an easy way to increase your freelance writing income without doing more work.

Also, you're dealing with clients who already know, like and trust your work. They prove that by having you write for them. So there's an existing, proven relationship there. Capitalize on it!

You'd be amazed at how many clients don't know ALL of the services you offer. I've been freelancing since 1993, and I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "Oh, I didn't know you offered that service, wrote that type of content, could turn it around that quickly."

"But it's on my SEO writing website," you may be thinking.

Well, most clients don’t take the time to go through your website thoroughly; they just don't. So, it's up to you to remind them of ALL the ways you can help them. And, upselling is one way to do it.

SEO Content Providers: 3 Ways to Easily Upsell Clients

(i) Write a “Thank you for using us” ebook to send to clients that outlines all of your service offerings. Send this along with every job completed;

(ii) Make contact exactly one week after you turn in a project to ask for feedback / ask for another project;

(iii) Ask for referrals (create a form letter to send to satisfied clients that asks for referrals); etc.

The point is to get PROACTIVE about soliciting work from existing clients. According to the Pareto Principle, this is where 80% of your business will come from anyway – why not push it to 90%! If you put systems in place, you’d be surprised at how fast your SEO content writing business ( will grow.

About the Author: Yuwanda Black is the owner/operator of New Media Words, an SEO writing company. She's also the publisher of a niche blog on this type of technical writing - SeoWritingJobs. Ms. Black says, "With formalized SEO copywriter training (, any motivated individual can start a high-earning, home-based career doing this type of web writing. Yuwanda has also authored over 50 ebooks, many of which cover some aspect of writing SEO content. They can be found on major outlets like Amazon and Barnes & Noble, in addition to her own website(s).
Source:Inkwell Editorial
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Tags:Seo Writing Tips, Freelance Writing Income, How To Freelance, Freelancing, Seo Content Writing
Industry:Home business, Marketing
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