![]() "Man Down Conference" To Be Held May 24, 2014The Man Down Conference, which is focused on the issues faced by 21st century men, in current society, and how man can be restored, has been postponed until May 24, 2014. Originally scheduled for tomorrow, the event aims to give men spiritual tools for restoring manhood, within our culture. All men, from 18 years old, up, are invited to attend this restoring and strengthening gathering of men.
The "Man Down Conference," The "Man Down Conference" will bring men together to discuss the eroding role of manhood, in current culture, and the issues facing the modern man, which are peculiar to this time in history. The conference is designed to give men a gathering place to discuss the issues of their lives, with other men who may be going through the same things. Discussion will be experiential and solution oriented, while focusing on the biblical principles which are to be used as guidelines for achieving true success, as 21st century men, in the U.S.A. The conference is being directed by Rock Harbor Christian Fellowship Pastor, Port Wilburn. He will be assisted by "One Church // One Voice" and "Save America Gathering" CEO and Servant Leader, Robert Berry. who is, also, the author of "Ephus and the Praying Bushel;" and the leader of the now 424-day-old "555 Days of Prayer to Save America." Berry is also part of a group organizing "The Great Wave Offering," for September 11, 2014. "The Great Wave Offering" will conclude "555 Days of Prayer to Save America," on 9/11/14. Robert Berry is a Deacon and Elder at "Rock Harbor Christian Fellowship Church." End
Page Updated Last on: May 05, 2014