TAMPA, Fla. -
Aug. 22, 2014 -
PRLog -- Students enrolled in Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs across Florida will have an opportunity to showcase their programs and best practices at the 2014 National Career Pathways Network (NCPN) Conference in Orlando, FL. Florida Career Pathways Network (FCPN) is partnering with the 2014 NCPN Conference to host a Florida Student Showcase to give conference attendees an opportunity to talk with students involved in various secondary and post-secondary career pathways programs. FLATE is encouraging the educational community and CTE programs across Florida to consider submitting their application and best practices. Application form is attached and should be submitted by Sep. 2 to Nicole Palmer at npalmer7@valenciacollege.edu.
The Florida Student Showcase aims to highlight great programs offered by Florida based educational institutions to visitors from around the country. The Showcase will be held on Oct. 13 from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the 2014 NCPN conference at Buena Vista Palace (
http://www.ncpn.info/hotel-information.php) on the Walt Disney World® Resort.. There are several perks for students to participate at the Florida Student Showcase. “The biggest reason is the experiential learning” that students will gain from interacting with educators across the nation said Nicole Palmer, coordinator for career pathways at Valencia College. FCPN will feature selected FL Best Practices to be part of a special “Florida Surge Session” during the conference.
To submit a best practice for the NCPN conference contact Nicole Palmer at
npalmer7@valenciacollege.edu, or visit
www.ncpn.info and www.ftpn.org.
FLATE (http://www.fl-
ate.org/)is a National Science Foundation Regional Center of Excellence, committed to ensuring Florida has a well prepared workforce for advanced and emerging technologies. Created in 2004, FLATE is one of 39 Advanced Technological Education Centers in the United States funded by the National Science Foundation focused on improving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education and training to meet the needs of American advanced technology industries. For more information visit www.fl-ate.org.