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Follow on Google News | New Scientist Article Reveals Data That Supports Marshall Barnes Presentation at May's ISDCAn overlooked article published May 20 of this year in New Scientist magazine reveals research that presents conclusions that play directly into the 2014 ISDC presentation of Marshall Barnes on the physics of his Verdrehung Fan time machine.
By: Fame Plan Not known until recently, two days after, a New Scientist article was released on a paper by Luke M. Butcher, Casimir Energy of a Long Wormhole Throat, published on the pre-print site,, whose abstract states in part that the Casimer effect can have "sufficient magnitude to stabilise a long-throated wormhole far larger than the Planck scale, at least in principle. Unfortunately, the renormalised Casimir energy-density is zero for null rays directed exactly parallel to the throat, and this shortfall prevents us from stabilising the ultrastatic spherically- This is dovetails exactly with what Marshall Barnes described during his presentation of Technological and Theoretical Foundation For Travel Through Traversable Wormholes, whose abstract reads: This presentation will deal with the initial models and theories already established, for the most significant solution for deep space travel - traversable wormholes. Beginning with the solution created by Kip Thorne of Cal Tech for Carl Sagan, to the proposals of Eric Davis of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Austin. These theoretical works will be contrasted with the stunning breakthrough that was revealed at last year's 100 Year Starship Symposium of a device called the Verdrehung Fan(TM) where electromagnetic transmissions, in the radio frequency and infrared range, began to disappear into the center of the device *over time* instead of traveling on to be picked-up by the receiver. Subsequent tests confirm that the effect on space-time by this device creates a classic toroidal shape (with a front and back) where, over a 25 - 30 minute period, a region appears in the center, invisible to normal sight, where EM signals vanish. By applying known theory from torsion physics, Einstein's theory of teleparallelism and that of the quantum foam of space-time, where normal microscopic wormholes are thought to randomly appear and disappear, important solutions begin to appear for the problems currently facing traversable wormhole concepts which would indicate that now could be the "Kitty Hawk " moment for this exotic space travel alternative. Prospects for scaling this technology up will be included. "The presentation got somewhat changed from the original abstract because Nicola Sarzi Amade of the ISDC had some kind of cow over the implications and instead of checking the physics references, because he's not a physicist, he gave my track chair a hard time, like I was making stuff up, like 'teleparallelism', which is from Eisntein. So I had to dumb it down to the step by step basics on the theory and that's where the line-up appears between my work and Butcher's. I had to show that the theory of wormholes includes the behavior of micro wormholes in quantum foam, rapidly opening and closing but that under the influence of torsion, provided by the Verdrehung Fan™, the behavior would be interrupted, resulting in wormholes being held open longer and, in some cases, being blended with other wormholes to create larger openings through which information in the form of infrared and radio frequency waves could travel and that's what experiementally happens." The key factor is two fold. First, wormholes may be able to stay open longer without any outside forces acting on them. Second, this may enable light pulses to be sent through them to enable communication. Butcher isn't sure, however, the openings would allow pulses to pass large enough to contain any information. Enter the Verdrehung Fan™. The twisted region of spacetime it creates would act on the wormholes to enable those openings to behave in a way supporting those speculations by Butcher and insure the holes would stay open long enough to pass information which is exactly what the experimental results suggest - over time. The effect builds up in enough strength that IR and RF signals disappear completely into the center region of the Verdrehung Fan™ and don't pass through to the other side, regardless of which direction you try sending the transmissions through. It is the classic, toroidal shape of a wormhole generator as seen in Stephen Hawking's, Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking and Stargate SG-1. All of this will be covered in the upcoming documentary on FORA.TV, The Dawning of the Age of Time Machines. There are trailers out on the web for this film, just being relased this week. Another reason this latest develoment is so significant is that it spells another defeat for Marshall's closest competitor, Dr. Ronald Mallett of the University of Connecticut. To date, there is no research aside from his own that supports his contention that using a rotating ring laser will produce the twisting effect that would create closed timelike curves resulting in time travel on a particle scale. He too, would like to send messages back in time, but another issue is he wants to use neutrons in various states of spin-up and spin-down to create a kind of binary code, but Marshall mocks Mallett's idea. "Yeah, I saw him talking about spin-up, spin-down with neutrons creating a binary code but who in the Sam Hill is going to detect it? My way, it's a RF or IR signal. Using RF, anyone with a radio or TV could theoretically get that signal. It would show-up just as TV/radio signals used to, although it may appear as interference of a ghost signal, but at least it could be recognized some way. Or, unlike Mallett, I could send a real digital signal. His ideas don't make sense, which is sad, but not my fault. After all, he's the one with the PhD. I'm just the one getting the breakthroughs done for real". Marshall will participate in a peer-reviewed poster session during the 2014 100 Year Starship Symposium in Houston, Texas. The poster will feature the proposed development of the Verdrehung Fan™ into a large version that could create traversable wormholes in space. "As you can imagine," Marshall said, "this new information from Butcher will make that poster presentation all the more relevant". End
Page Updated Last on: Sep 05, 2014