Sales Trainer Richard Tyler Signs With Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency

Sales training and management consulting expert, speaker and author Richard Tyler recently joined with Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding® Agency to facilitate the launch of his new books.
HOUSTON - Sept. 17, 2014 - PRLog -- Richard Tyler, President and CEO of Richard Tyler International, Inc.®, one of the world’s top Sales Training and Management Consulting firms, is proud to announce that he has recently signed with Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding® Agency ( to launch a series of books and to explore other marketing avenues in the future.

Richard Tyler is “America’s Corporate and Entrepreneurial Business Expert.”™ In addition to Richard Tyler International, Inc.® Mr. Tyler is also President and CEO of a diversified family of successful companies and services. Richard Tyler is a highly acclaimed Sales Trainer, Management Consultant, Speaker and Author. To many organizations and individuals, Richard Tyler is “the world’s top sales trainer.”™ Richard Tyler has earned a worldwide reputation for his powerful educational methods and motivational techniques, as well as his experience in all levels of business, corporate education and success training.

For more than a quarter of a century businesses have relied on Richard Tyler to train their people to master sales process, increase profits and improve customer loyalty. Dicks and Nanton will team with Richard to launch new products, specifically his forthcoming sales training books.

Nick Nanton, Founder of Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding® Agency remarked, “We are very excited about working with Richard. He sets the standard for professionalism and dedication to his craft. We love working with people who take pride in helping others and Richard’s insights and incredible sales training programs are doing just that for businesspeople around the world.”

Richard is the currently the author of 12 books, with Dicks and Nanton launching two more in early 2015. One of the upcoming books is titled Sales Excellence: Seven Steps to Achieving Extraordinary Success in Sales. The other is a collaborative effort with the international best-selling author of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series, Mark Victor Hansen.

Richard’s two immensely popular training programs, “Commitment to Excellence”® Sales Immersion™ Program (” and “Commitment to Excellence”® Leadership Mastery™ Program” ( are both important contributing factors to his continued success, garnering him accolades such as the aforementioned distinction. Sales Immersion™ is considered to be the “best sales training program in the world.” Participants, ranging from entry-level sales associates to corporate executives, learn hands-on, practical steps that can be implemented immediately.   This program covers all aspects of Mastering Communications, Decision Making, Influencing and Sales Process and Methodologies.

Richard’s Leadership Mastery Program™ helps leaders master a set of  moral and ethical, philosophies, principles and values that can serve as the bedrock to all their actions.  The consistent application and teaching of these philosophies, principles and values is the only way to guarantee lasting success. The Leadership Mastery™ Program delivers just such a set of moral and ethical, philosophies, principles and values. This program covers leadership success fundamentals, transitioning into a powerful leader, strategic communication and advanced influencing skills, among others.

As Richard says, Remember, “Your success tomorrow is in direct proportion to your ‘Commitment to Excellence®’ today.”™

More About Richard Tyler:

Acquisition International Magazine has recently named Richard Tyler International® the “Sales Training and Management Consulting Firm of the Year” for the entire United States. Acquisition International (AI) magazine announced this in its annual M&A Awards in July 2014. AI’s M&A Awards is regarded as one of the most important and highly respected awards programs in the business world.

Richard Tyler has collaborated with such notable people as: Brian Tracy, Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard, Dr. Warren Bennis, Denis Waitley, Alan Keyes, Dr. John Gray, Dr. Robert Schuller, General Alexander Haig, Ty Boyd, Jim Cathcart, Don Hutson, Dr. Earl Mindell, Dr. Norman Rosenthal, Dianna Booher, Patricia Ball, Dave Dravecky, Ann Jillian and Jack Barry.  Richard Tyler’s philosophies have been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine® as well as in hundreds of articles and interviews.  Richard is also the founder of Leadership for Tomorrow™.  Its purpose is to educate young adults in the importance of self-esteem and goal setting.

To learn more about Richard Tyler, his sales training programs, his management programs and his consulting services, please visit

About Richard Tyler International, Inc.®:

Richard Tyler International, Inc.® is one of the world’s top Sales Training and Management Consulting firms. Richard Tyler International, Inc.® educates clients of all industries and sizes on the five Fundamentals of Business: Sales, Management, Customer Service, Leadership, and Quality Improvement. With its vast resources of consultants, Richard Tyler International, Inc.® provides companies the necessary expertise to grow their businesses profitably. Richard Tyler International, Inc.® conducts Seminars and Keynotes throughout the world to allow all types of organizations to experience Richard Tyler’s philosophies on business and success. Richard Tyler International, Inc.® offers “Two world class training programs from one world class training company“™ – The Richard Tyler International, Inc.® “Commitment to Excellence”® Sales Immersion™ Program is the “Best Sales Training Program in the World”™ and the Richard Tyler International, Inc.® “Commitment to Excellence”® Leadership Mastery™ Program is the “Best Leadership and Management Training Program in the World”™.

Richard Tyler International, Inc.® and ‘Commitment to Excellence®’ are registered trademarks of Richard Tyler.  All other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners. © 2014 Richard Tyler.  All rights reserved.

About Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding® Agency:

The Celebrity Branding® Agency is a multi-media, Marketing, PR, and Branding Agency that is dedicated to Celebrity Branding® entrepreneurs and professionals as experts in their fields of business. Founders, JW Dicks, Esq. & Nick Nanton, Esq., attorneys by trade and entrepreneurs by choice, have built the top personal Branding Agency in the world and focus on helping their clients increase their revenue through brand positioning and media credibility. The Celebrity Branding® Agency offers an unparalleled media guarantee to make clients Best-Selling Authors, get them on TV, and appear in major print publications in order to position them and tell their stories.
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