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Follow on Google News | ![]() Ade Asefeso MCIPS MBA Published His New Book Lean GovernmentLean government is not about a balanced budget. Businesses also carry debt. Businesses take risks, shoulder debt and strike out in bold new directions from time to time. Governments are not too different in this way.
That’s the question that Ade Asefeso answers in his new book “Lean Government” Ade said. “As Lean manufacturing and “Lean fill-in-the- We ask Ade. So what is a Lean government? Ade responded by saying. “First let's take an operational excellence approach to this question and outlined what we describe as 8 Workable Strategies for Creating Lean Government. 1. Synchronization to Customer Demands. 2. Understand Variations in Customer Demand. 3. Create Work Cells. 4. Eliminate Batching Work and Multi-Tasking. 5. Enforce First in, First out. 6. Implement Standardized Work and Load Levelling. 7. Do Today's Work Today. 8. Make the Value Stream Visible. While the above 8 workable strategies does a great job of explaining Lean transaction, it falls short of defining Lean government. Saying that processing information or serving customers one at a time in a flow synchronized to demand is Lean government would be like saying that having everyone working on an assembly line from call to cash in a manufacturing organization is the definition of a Lean enterprise. There’s simply more to it than that. Perhaps if you do not have the type of government as we do in the U.S and Europe; with lawmakers who attempt spend tax payer money building bridges to nowhere. If you have a government that is free of these types of boondoggles then focusing on Lean transactions in the various ministries and offices may be a sufficient definition of Lean government. But I am looking at the question of “What is Lean government?” from the perspective of the staggering basket of boondoggle that is the U.S and European government. It’s a bigger target, so my definition of Lean government has to work harder. A Lean government is one that will: 1. Solve people’s problems based on facts, by using the scientific method. 2. Provide the highest quality of life to as many people as possible. 3. Do this at the lowest cost. 4. Do this as quickly as possible. 5. Do this in a way that is sustainable beyond your tenure in government. Lean government is improving quality, cost, and delivery through kaizen.” Visit Ade continued by saying "Lean government needs to address waste at both a strategic level (which pain should we relieve first?) and at a logistical level (how can we deliver the most relief as quickly and cost effectively as possible?). In our economy there are thousands of trained professionals who go to work every day to solve exactly these types of problems. Unfortunately, we don’t seem to have sufficient numbers of them at the top of government to make a significant difference.” Ade said “Lean government is not about how civil servants or political leaders come to power. In the United States there is something fairly close to direct elections. In other countries there are monarchies. Neither system is inherently more or less wasteful. Common sense would suggest that a system of direct elections would do a better job of making sure that the customers’ voice (the will of the electorate) was reflected in policy and spending. Yet there have been benevolent dictatorships in history, as well as disastrous examples of popular rule.” Ade added to the above by saying. "Lean government is not replacing the human capacity for making decisions with one strictly based on numbers. But a Lean government would certainly be more fact based than the faith-based Presidency enjoyed in the United States today. By their own admission facts come in a distant second to faith in today’s administration. I don't know how to do kaizen without facts. I admire people who do." Ade also said. "In the absence of facts, I go with faith. In the presence of facts that do not agree with faith, I question the facts. But I generally regret it when I ignore the facts. It takes a kind of faith to rely on the facts that are presented to you when making decisions. A Lean government would learn from the factual results of these decisions, good or bad." Ade concluded by saying Economist Milton Friedman said “the business of business is to do business” or to make money in a sustainable way. The business of government is to redistribute wealth (tax and spend) for the maximum good of the maximum number of people in a sustainable way. A Lean government should do this as effectively as possible. That means doing it rapidly with low transaction costs while strategically avoiding boondoggles, also known fondly in U.S and Europe as pork." Visit Ade has packed a lot into his career over the years with a long spell working at senior level within various manufacturing companies in the UK. He can be described as international diplomat due to his work across the globe. Ade spent a lot of his time representing various companies either at supply chain level, operational level, sales and marketing level, and senior executive level across Asia, North America, Africa, Eastern and Western Europe. Ade is currently the CEO of AA Global Sourcing Ltd. A company that helps local businesses outsource so that they can enjoy the benefits that used to be enjoyed by big corporations for years. All this still doesn’t make mention of Ade’s increasingly successful career as an author, of numerous books on Finance, Business Ideas, Personal Development, Self help, CEO Guide to Doing Business, Outsourcing, Lean IT, Lean Manufacturing, Agile and Lean Office, Lean Office, Six Sigma, Six Sigma Healthcare, Six Sigma marketing, Six Sigma Service, Lean Startup, Lean Procurement, Lean Implementation, 5S for Supervisors, 5S Home, Lean Handbook, Lean marketing, Lean Sales and marketing, Lean Accounting, Lean Management, Lean Healthcare, 5S for Healthcare, 5S Office Management, Lean In Construction, Lean Retailing, Lean Banking, Lean Business, Lean Government, Lean Tools, CEO Tools, TPM Simplified, Green Manufacturing, Supply Chain Management, Real estate, Balanced Scorecard, Non Executive Director, Corporate Storytelling, Reshoring and Online Marketing. In his spare time, although it’s amazing to think that he might have some, Ade does keep fit. Visit for details. End