The gift you want to give but never want to receiveGift theTruth is the new and highly controversial website that will certainly affect many people's lives in one way or another. How often have you yourself wished you could get the truth from someone but never had the means to do so? Gift theTruth is a unique new concept that will provoke an immediate reaction from anyone that is confronted with the instantly downloadable polygraph certificate.
By: Gift the Truth Site visitors can evaluate their relationship by filling in a questionnaire. Anyone that feels compelled to get the 'truth' can immediately subscribe to the service and create a polygraph certificate that can contains the questions they need answered. On receipt of the unique certificate by email an appointment can be made at the testing center of their choice. Of course, simply gifting the certificate to someone will often provoke a response that will confirm the truth. Sometimes people need greater courage to seek the truth than the determination of the person deceiving them - giftthetruth gives them the opportunity to come clean and admit to their deceptions. If the giftthetruth questionnaire supports a victim's doubts they NEED to move on and have closure in their life. If a relationship has any chance of being saved then it needs a solid foundation and that can only happen when trust is re-established - giftthetruth gives couples an opportunity to be completely honest with each other. Visit the new site at giftthetruth and join in the discussion area with your views on this controversial new concept. End