![]() ASPCA Equine Fund Supports Zuma's Rescue RanchColorado #Brush23 equine seizure and rescue operation January 29th 2015.
January 28th, 2015, Executive Director of Zuma's Rescue Ranch receives notice via social media giant Facebook, that 23 horses have been seized and hauled to the Brush Livestock Auction. After being denied assistance from another Colorado rescue group the horses had only days to escape auction, so without time to plan, Zuma’s Rescue Ranch stepped in to save these horses from over anxious bidders willing to ship these horses to foreign slaughter plants. http://youtu.be/ A frantic twenty-four hours of planning netted six willing trailers and drivers to assist in the transport of the #brush23 horses to safety. The day of pick up from Brush Livestock Auction the group was one trailer short and one trailer had serious safety issue. What to do? Load more horses on each trailer and have one trailer make 2 trips, problem solved. These horses, that had once lived a life as a family herd in a massive pasture were now being ripped apart and delivered to farms across the Colorado front range, it was indeed a day of sadness and fear the desperation was palpable and heartbreaking. The alternative was auction to the highest bidder, so we carried on doing the best we could in an awful situation. The horses that had foster homes went one way and the remaining herd members headed to LaPorte, CO to a temporary pasture. Once the drivers arrived at the pasture in LaPorte, they found fencing down, no water troughs and no hay, all things that were promised. Night was quickly setting in and the team had to act fast to shore up fencing and get food and water to the herd of very distraught horses. Thankfully, Jax a farm and ranch store was just a few miles away, hay was located on Craigslist and a kind soul delivered the bales directly to the pasture, water troughs were purchased as were electric wire and flagging for wire fence. In a mad dash, the fencing was secured, the troughs were filled with water and the herd was released to freedom once more. At least for this night the herd was safe, fed and most importantly some of the family members remained together. The next two days the remaining horses were assessed, some field vet calls were made for those in immediate need and the remainder of the herd made their 2- hour journey from LA Porte to Littleton to arrive safely in a quarantine pasture at Zuma’s Rescue Ranch. Now the real work begins, dentals, farriers, veterinarians and trainers for 23 horses. Not to mention the ongoing needs to be met each day including hay, supplements, feeding and cleaning of 23 more horses at a rescue that already cares for 50 animals. This is where the community has a real chance to make a difference on a large scale. Zuma’s needs trainers to help train these horses, farriers to help get their feet back into shape and hay/grain donations to help put weight on those that are underweight. If you can help Zuma’s Rescue Ranch restore these lives, train and rehome them please contact Jodi Messenich Jodi@zumasrescueranch.com to get involved. Zuma’s Rescue Ranch 7745 N. Moore Rd. Littleton, CO 80125 303-346-7493 Media Contact Jodi Messenich ***@zumasrescueranch.com 303-346-7493 Photo: https://www.prlog.org/ End