Week-009 issue of the Mass Creativity E-Newsletter is Online

Mass Creativity inextricably joins all people in the urgent and the single most important action of our time: To reclaim our essentially creative, but historically overlooked, nature as human
Mass Creativity Plate
Mass Creativity Plate
BLACKSBURG, Va. - April 22, 2015 - PRLog -- Mass Creativity, conta.cc/1OzZwXX, the weekly informational newsletter, launches a global movement to enable all people reach and contribute their potential.In words that literallyand powerfully grip the heart and mind, Mass Creativity inextricably joins all people in the historic and single most momentous action humanity has ever had to undertake: To reclaim our authentic and most important, but historically overlooked human quality – creativity!

Week-008 issue of Mass Creativity features five intriguing items:

1.      Creativity Wit and Wisdom of the week by Albert Einstein and George A. Steiner.

2.      Ten Great Insights on Human Creativity (Insights 0081-0090).

3.      Myths about Human Creativity (Part Four).

4.      Challenge of the Week and Call-to-Action: Reclaim the Authentic You, Not a Process

5.      Creativity: Revealing the Truth about Human  Nature (Published resource and inspiration for the Mass Creativity movement)

The weekly Mass Creativity e-newsletter is prompted by three vital global concerns:

Vast reservoir of untapped human potential that, historically, has been neglected and that, for the vast majority of people, lie dormant, unrecognized, unexploited.

Worsening global crises that are simply too many and too complex to be left to, or to be solved by, “authorities” and “experts” alone.

Absolute necessity of everyone's unique contribution, if humanity is to be able to build a viable and sustainable global civilization that is worthy of this generation and an enduring legacy to future generations.

In concise universal messages, Mass Creativity dispenses vital insights you need to nurture your own creativity, as well as the creativity of the people for whom you are responsible. Here, briefly, are three vital resources in one medium:

Weekly key to self-discovery, personal development, and professional success.

Catalyst for the urgently needed global awakening to our true nature as humans, and our infinite possibilities as a species.

Call to action, inextricably joining all people in the movement to develop and to beneficially engage our individual and collective potentialities.

Explore the Mass Creativity archive. (http://www.globalcreativitynetwork.net/archive.html) Subscribe (http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin?v=001...) to future issues of the e-newsletter. Join the Planetary awakening, action, and excitement!

Visit related Website, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn  at:

http://www.global-creativity-network.net https://www.facebook.com/GlobalCreativityNetwork


https://plus.google.com/+EfiongEtuk/posts https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/activities/0_2gJ9DVKY-DI5pjs8OKYb_m?trk=hp-identity-wvmu

About Global Creativity Network

Global Creativity Network is a worldwide community of concerned individuals dedicated to the idea of a world in which everyone can be effective, creative, and successful. We are primarily concerned with strategies for nurturing and engaging everybody's unique abilities in the Great Work of building a viable and sustainable global civilization that is worthy of our generation and an enduring legacy to future generations

Efiong Etuk
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