Cheating Spouse Investigator Delivers Answers to Difficult Infidelity Questions

Infidelity is becoming more prevalent, prompting a spike in cheating spouse investigations. According to a recent survey on infidelity, 92% of participants admitted they would be unfaithful if they knew they wouldn’t get caught.
By: Kudaka and Associates Private Investigations
Maki Kudaka: Infidelity Investigations Specialist
Maki Kudaka: Infidelity Investigations Specialist
ORANGE COUNTY, Calif. - Oct. 22, 2015 - PRLog -- Kudaka and Associates is a woman-owned private investigation agency based in Orange County California.  The firm specializes in discreet, unnoticed surveillance for infidelity cases in Orange County, San Diego, Los Angeles and Riverside. Services include obtaining undercover photographic and video evidence along with written reports documenting suspicious behavior and/or evidence of actual cheating by a spouse, partner, husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend.

The Ashley Madison online dating service, whose slogan is "Life is short. Have an affair,” recently reported a massive leak of subscriber personal data including emails, names, home addresses and more. Understandably, publicizing this type of personal information is generating a surge of inquiries to private infidelity investigators.

From Arnold Schwarzenegger to Tiger Woods to the new Batman Ben Affleck, it seems as if individuals, regardless of their power or reputation, can’t seem resist the temptation to cheat on a trusting spouse.

Some people may decide that they would rather not know if their partner is having an affair.  Others must know for their own peace of mind. Still others want pictures and physical evidence of the affair to use as leverage in potential negotiations.  The last two types of people are the ones who hire well-trained, experienced private investigators to protect their interests.

Kudaka and Associates owner Maki Kudaka, finds that her clients appreciate getting to the truth, good or bad.  “Instead of continually not knowing, not being able to concentrate on life or work, my clients are relieved to finally have the facts. Now they can move on, reconcile, or seek an attorney’s further advice,” she says.

Since the private detective industry is male dominated, Kudaka and Associates’ female investigators provide a distinct advantage. Whether the surveillance target is a man or a woman, a female undercover investigator is better able to “blend in” to the subject’s surroundings without being noticed. Kudaka and Associates’ infidelity detectives are specially trained in “sub-rosa” or undercover techniques that may involve observing, approaching or even befriending the subject in order to gain direct inside knowledge and determine the truth.

Statistics say that 85% of women who feel their significant other is cheating are likely correct. While 50% of men who feel their partner is cheating are probably right. Unfortunately, the need for a cheating spouse investigator has become far too common.

Tell-tale signs often include:
• Working late hours and not answering a partner's calls.
• Locking cell phones or using secret passcodes.
• Lack of intimacy and less interest in spending time with family.
• Sudden interest and obsession with appearance, shopping for new clothes or working out more often.

The list goes on. Relying on instinct, a spouse or partner may finally decide that they need answers to the difficult infidelity questions, to know where their partner goes, what they do and with whom. These are the types of questions that Kudaka and Associates detectives are trained to answer.

Kudaka and Associates investigators are extremely results driven. When a client contacts Kudaka and Associates about a possible infidelity issue, first information is gathered about the partner’s suspicious pattern of behavior. To save time and cost, next a full background check on all subjects is conducted to get a thorough knowledge and understanding of the parties involved. Often this background investigation quickly yields important clues as to what may be actually occurring.

Once a preliminary review is completed, a surveillance plan is mapped out. Investigators do not sit idle in vehicles waiting for evidence to appear. They take a proactive approach to “go and get” the facts so that the inquiring spouse receives the answers they need as soon as possible for peace of mind.

To accomplish all of this, Kudaka and Associates utilizes advanced investigative practices, covert detection techniques and hi-tech equipment to uncover and document evidence the client is seeking.

At the conclusion of an investigation clients are provided with detailed written reports outlining the course of events during the investigation. Compelling photographic and video evidence is also delivered to substantiate written findings.

Kudaka and Associates investigative excellence has been recognized by seasoned attorneys, such as Orange County attorney, William Grant Bettencourt, who stated, “As a trial attorney, having an investigator you can trust and rely upon is crucial. I have used Maki Kudaka as an investigator on multiple occasions and each time she has exceeded my expectations.”

Be the first to know, not the last to find out. For a FREE confidential initial consultation. Visit  or Call 949-874-4148.

Kudaka and Associates
Source:Kudaka and Associates Private Investigations
Tags:Infidelity Investigations, Cheating Spouse Investigations, Cheating Husband Investigation
Location:Orange County - California - United States
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Page Updated Last on: Nov 02, 2015
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