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Follow on Google News | Codefore says Obama Failed to Protect US from the ClintonsCodefore Publishing asks why Obama didn't Require Hillary Clinton to Comply with her Ethics Agreement
Jim Benish, editor and proprietor of Codefore Publishing, Codeforezap ( Both agreements deal with the relationship Hillary Clinton would have with the Clinton Foundation should she be confirmed as Secretary of State. "It's apparent to me that Obama and the Senate had concerns and wanted protection and assurances with these arrangements." Benish continued, "It really doesn't matter what promises were made between Bill Clinton, The Clinton Foundation on behalf of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's Foreign Relations Committee because today it appears that neither Hillary Clinton nor the Clinton Foundation kept their agreement." "But even more important than that." Benish said, "Is the fact that Obama knew about the possible perils of nominating Hillary Clinton back in 2008 and he undoubtedly wanted to protect himself from another possible Clinton scandal or controversy. In the years that passed he ignored her relationship with what is now known as the 'Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Foundation' and allowed her to participate in huge transfers of money to her husband Bill and to the Foundation. All this would have gone un-noticed had it not been for hacked State Department Emails that were stored in Hillary's private email server." He said. "My question to President Obama is: Why didn't you protect the Country?" Benish said. "If criminal charges are to be brought against Both Clintons, Obama might have some explaining to do to keep from becoming a defendant himself." There may be some Presidential Pardons forthcoming. Codefore Publishing. End
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