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Follow on Google News | 0x8007000E Windows 10 Fix - "Not enough storage space available"The 0x8007000E error has existed since Windows XP - it specifically denotes "The system cannot find the file specified." or "Not enough storage space available". To fix this, you need to make sure you have the correct settings in your system.
By: FL Utils The primary reason for the 0x8007000E error in Windows 10 is a lack of harddrive space. Apart from the obvious (storing too many files), there are a number of reasons for this - System resore taking up too much space, Internet Cache, massive hard drive activity, etc. The first step is to ensure you have this under control - firstly you need to make sure you have the minimal amount of "system restore" files, and then you need to clean out any junk files with the inbuilt Windows 10 "disk cleanup" tool. You need to right-click on the Start button, select "System" and then from the left list, pick "Advanced system settings". This will show a new "System Properties" window, from which you need to select the "System Protection" tab, and then click on "Configure". This will show the "System Restore" file size. You should firstly delete all the restore points, and then lower the "max usage" to 1%. This will remove the biggest drain on hard drive space. After that is done, click OK. You should then make sure your system is clear of any temporary files. To do this, you should click onto the "Search" box at the bottom left of the screen, type "Disk Cleanup" and select the first program which appears. From this, select the "Clean System Files" button, accept the authentication message and select all the options. After clicking OK, Windows will delete any of the fils that are not needed, thus freeing more hard drive space. From this, you then need to then click onto the "search" box on the bottom left of your screen and type CMD.exe. Select the first program which appears and then type "sfc /scannow" in the new window. This will allow you to clean out any of the damaged files that Windows may have (a common cause of the 0x8007000E error), which should resolve most cases of the issue. If this doesn't work, there may be some issues regarding the drivers of your HDD, or some other problem with the base files of the system. The solution is to ensure your system is running as smoothly as possible. You can fix 0x8007000E error on Windows 10 here: End
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