Amsterdam - this year's hotspot on Linked Data Strategies & Practices

International experts from science and industry demonstrate the business value of smart data services at SEMANTiCS 2017 (September 11-14, 2017 )
AMSTERDAM - Aug. 23, 2017 - PRLog -- Experts from science and industry meet at Europe's biggest Linked Data and Semantic Web event to present and discuss latest achievements, challenges and future perspectives of new data management practices. The conference ( for Semantic Systems is now in its 13th edition and run by a mixed industry and research consortium built by Semantic Web Company (Austria), Institute for Applied Informatics (Germany), University of Applied Science St.Pölten (Austria) and the dutch partners VU, TNO and Kadaster, together with Wolters Kluwer as major industry sponsor.

Most companies and public administrations nowadays are struggling to catch up with new data management practices, either by initializing a data strategy from scratch or by adjusting their old strategy to the affordances of new technological environments, legal frameworks or business models. The Semantics conference gives insights into data management strategies, discuss cases of data-driven business models and give advice on how to catch up with latest developments at the dawn of smart, networked data.

The exchange between industry and research is facilitated by a rich program consisting of six keynotes from companies like EA Games, Wolters Kluwer, and OTTO, followed by a total of 36 industry and 25 scientific presentations, 17 workshops, a poster and demo area and numerous social side events.

Program Overview

September 11, 2017:   Pre-Conference Workshops
September 12, 2017:   Main Conference Day 1
September 13, 2017:   Main Conference Day 2
September 14, 2017:   Post-Conference Workshops & DBpedia Day

This year's conference focuses on the business value of Linked Data technologies and services as an enabling technology for a cost-efficient, flexible and sustainable enterprise data strategy.

The full and rich program, with talks and presentations by leading researchers in the field and leading industry adopters, can be found at the conference page at


Semantics at Play: Electronic Arts' Linked Data Journey
Aaron Bradley / Eamonn Glass
Senior Manager, Web Channel Strategy / Director @ EA Games

How Wolters Kluwer's AI aided human experts deliver increasing accuracy, speed and value for our customers
Sandeep Sacheti
Executive Vice President @ Wolters Kluwer

Will semantics help disentangle the Gordian knot of Big Data in animal health
Miel Hostens
Data Scientist @ Ghent University, Department of Reproduction, Obstetrics and Herd Health

Buoyancy in Data Lakes
Agile Metadata Management in Hadoop Data Warehouses at Otto Group
Utz Westermann
Senior Data Architect @ Otto Group

New convergences between
Natural language processing and knowledge engineering
Nathalie Aussenac Gilles
CNRS senior researcher @ Toulouse Institute of Computer Science Research


AIFB, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology * AIT Austrian Institute of Technology * AKSW, DBpedia Association, KILT Competence Center, InfAI, Leipzig * Austrian Federal Computing Center * Bielefeld University, CITEC, Semantic Computing Group * CITEC, Bielefeld University * CNR-ITIA * Cognitum * Cognizone BVBA * coolgate inc * CRIDA - Reference Center for Research * CRS4 * Datalan * derivo GmbH * Deutsche Telekom AG * Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology * Enterprise Information System (EIS) * ETSI ISG CIM (supported by NEC Europe) * FontoXML / Liones * FORTH-ICS * Franz Inc. * Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS * Geographical Information Management and Applications * Ghent University/imec * Hanoi University of Technology * Healthdirect Australia * Human-Centered Computing * ICS FORTH * IET - The Institution of Engineering and Technology * IK4-TEKNIKER * Insight Centre for Data Analytics, National University of Ireland Galway * Institute AIFB, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology * Institute for Geoinformatics - University of Muenster * Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) * Institute of Computer Science, FORTH * Institute of Digital Games, University of Malta * Institute of software technology and Interactive Systems, Vienna University of Technology * Kadaster * Karlsruhe Institute for Technology * Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University * KnowSyms B.V. and Semaku B.V. * Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands * MarkLogic * Mekon * National and Kapodistrian University of Athens * National Centre of Scientific Research "Demokritos", Athens * National Library of the Netherlands * National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) * Netage * Neurology, HHU Düsseldorf * NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies * Norwegian University of Science and Technology * NUIG, galway * Ontotext * Ordina * Ordnance Survey Ireland * Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) * Paris Descartes University * Philips Research * ProRail * School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics ITB * SDA Research, University of Bonn * SEEK Limited * Semantic Web Company * Tata Consultancy Services, India * Taxonic * Taxonic & Semaku * TCD-Adapt * TCS Innovation Lab Delhi * Technische Universität Wien * Textkernel B.V. * TNO, The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research * TopQuadrant,Inc. * TU Delft * U. of Fribourg * UAS St. Pölten * Universidad Simon Bolivar, Dept. Computer Science * University College Dublin * University College London * University of Amsterdam * University of Athens * University of Bonn * University of Bremen / Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences * University of Economics, Prague * University of Fribourg * University of Piraeus * University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU * Universy of Turin * VIAA vzw * Vienna University of Economics and Business * Vienna University of Technology * Volenta * Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam * WordLift S.r.l.

Semantic Web Company
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Tags:Big Data, Data Science, Linked Data
Location:Amsterdam - Amsterdam - Netherlands
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