Aerotenna to offer Smart Drone Development Platform, the first ready to fly drone with collision avoidance radar and FPGA based flight controllerBy: Aerotenna powered by Ainstein Drones are evolving to be smarter, requiring upgrades in sensors, hardware, I/O, and computational capabilities. The Aerotenna Smart Drone Development Platform is the first drone kit equipped with microwave radar collision-avoidance sensors, a radar altimeter, and an FPGA-based flight controller. Aerotenna is leading the industry by applying these advanced technologies in drones, making Aerotenna's ready to fly kit a perfect platform to develop all weather proof collision-avoidance and altitude control with radar technology, and explore more advanced drone applications with the computational power provided by the FPGA SoC flight controller. Created especially for serious developers who are pushing the limits of today's drone applications, the new Smart Drone Development Platform sells for $3499 and includes everything you need to get flying, right out of the box: -One Aerotenna OcPoC™ with Xilinx Zynq® Mini Flight Controller -One Aerotenna μLanding radar altimeter -Three Aerotenna μSharp-Patch collision avoidance radar sensors -One Aerotenna CAN Hub -RadioLink AT-9 Remote Controller, and -Pre-assembled Quadcopter airframe In addition to being the most robust option today for developers, Aerotenna's Smart Drone Development Platform is also the easiest – no assembly or special setup required. No more spending hours on end trying to follow confusing lists of instructions or working to assemble and setup disparate components from different vendors, costing you valuable development time – simply open the box and go! Why is Aerotenna's Smart Drone Development Platform right for you?: -It's the Smartest: Three direction obstacle detection and avoidance using microwave radar Altitude hold with radar altimeter that works in all weather conditions and over all terrain surfaces -It's the Most Capable: With I/O expansion supporting up to more than 100 sensing inputs and outputs, your imagination is the limit for application development OcPoC-Zynq is powered by the Xilinx Zynq® processor, which combines the flexibility of FPGA architecture with the processing power of ARM, all in one SoC. OcPoC provides increased processing power capable of achieving real-time sensor fusion and onboard data processing OcPoC provides the I/O flexibility to enable industrial-grade redundancy and safety If you're interested in taking your drone applications to the next level using Aerotenna's Smart Drone Development Platform, you can pre-order now at More information about Aerotenna can be found by visiting You may also contact us at for additional information. End