![]() NFL Great and Ethos Champion Everson Walls is a 2018 Pro Football Hall of Fame FinalistCharacter and Life Lessons Continue to be the Main Focus of his Identity and Legacy
ETHOS VILLAGE is a web-based application designed to help students who struggle with eating disorders, drug and alcohol addiction, bullying, gambling, peer pressure, and violent behavior. The program helps students address and overcome these challenges by teaching them self esteem and foundational character traits. "We are excited and honored to have Ethos Champion, Everson Walls, be selected as a 2018 Pro Football Hall of Fame Finalist. Based on his 'on the field' and 'off the field' accomplishments, there is no one more deserving than Mr. Walls," shared Ethos Executive Director, Michael Davis. ETHOS VILLAGE improves students' educational experience by redefining success. Employing an inclusive approach to character and life skills development, the program leverages celebrity athletes and entertainers to connect with impressionable students through a wide range of interactive curriculum platforms that support the mutual goals of both parents and educators. Fellow Ethos Partner Everson Walls adds, "Without the ability to have a VILLAGE of love surrounding me as a young man growing up in Hamilton Park, there is no way that I could have developed the necessary character traits and value systems that have afforded me the opportunity to be selected as a Pro Football Hall of Fame Finalist. Ethos Village gives me the ability to pass on these same values to our children." "As I heard growing up, it takes a village to raise a child," says Davis. "We value the diversity of political, religious and cultural views that surround us every day. We're also sensitive to reflect values that are universally embraced such as commitment, generosity, respect, perseverance, courage, honesty, patience, temperance and fortitude–values we believe are commonly shared by successful people." Through participation in the ETHOS VILLAGE program, students of all ages are given the opportunity to learn about positive character traits through the lens of character development workbooks, professional and celebrity testimonies, virtual classrooms, and on-demand videos. After studying a featured character trait, each student is then called on to use critical thinking skills to engage in creative writing about his or her own life in a personalized student journal. "We congratulate Everson Walls on becoming a finalist to the 2018 Pro Football Hall of Fame," says Tony Felker, President and CEO of the Frisco Chamber of Commerce. "We are excited to partner with Ethos Education Group, our newest Trustee Partner. Ethos reflects many of the same values as the Frisco Chamber and we believe those values are important to the success of students who will one day become business leaders. We look forward to our partnership with Ethos Education Group and are impressed by their desire to give back and look out for the welfare of others." "What makes ETHOS VILLAGE unique is the way it supports parents," says Ethos partner Everson Walls. "By addressing the needs of students while also inspiring the people who lead them at home, we feel we're able to offer a more comprehensive program." Fellow Ethos partner Tim Brown, former NFL wide receiver and Heisman Trophy winner, adds, "There is a tremendous need for this kind of character development program in all public and private schools across this great country. When you look at the large number of African-Americans and Hispanics that are currently in prison compared to the general population, you see the scope of the problem we face as a nation." "Our goal is to infuse positive character traits and leadership skills in all students, no matter race, religion or financial status," says Davis. "Many others, from different walks of life and professions, will come on board in the near future to help encourage and inspire our children." The easily customized ETHOS VILLAGE app is available to all public and charter high schools. To learn more, visit ethoseducationgroup.org and ethosvillage.com. About Ethos Education Group (Ethos) Ethos is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote and deliver the written, online and seminar tools that make up the ETHOS VILLAGE character development program, all of which are designed to engage, motivate and inspire youth as they move along the path from childhood to adulthood. Frisco Chamber of Commerce The Frisco Chamber of Commerce is a 4-Star Accredited Chamber of Commerce that consists of more than 1,300 member businesses who provide goods and services to the growing, bustling economy in Frisco and the surrounding area. The mission of the Frisco Chamber of Commerce is to protect and promote commerce, through advocacy, resources, and connections. For more information, visit www.friscochamber.com. Region 10 ESC Region 10 is one of 20 regional service centers established by the Texas State Legislature in 1967 for the purpose of providing services to the schools within a defined geographic region. Region 10 is nonregulatory, has no taxing authority, and provides services for which local school participation is voluntary. Located in Richardson, Region 10 Education Service Center provides services that impact more than 810,000 students, 99,000 staffers, and 53,000 teachers on 1,220 campuses in over 120 ISDs and charters across eight north Texas counties and portions of two others. To learn more about Ethos Education Group please visit our official website at https://www.ethoseducationgroup.org/ End